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What type of person do you want

Someone who's five hundred feet tall, they gotta look awesome and be equipped with plenty of rockets and laser weapons, and they should be capable of space travel. Seating for at least five is a must, and some type of transforming ability would be cool. If they can separate into smaller units that'd be prefect. Would be nice if they came with a huge sword too but I guess I could live without that.
I want a partner who is good natured but a little mischievous and witty. Personality trumps looks but still has to be attractive and sexy (supermodels not required for this character trait). I want someone who is not too needy and involved with their goals. I prefer creative types. LOL OP if you are in a committed relationship(no one your age should be really)and you are already looking to the horizon for the next land to conquer it is half over already. If you are in a open relationship and communicative there should be no problem. Every person you find attractive is not meant for you(same goes for boys and girls). Early on relations/attraction will seem dramatic and life altering until you get accustomed to it. Never toss away a relationship because you suddenly get attracted to someone new if you are committed to someone already unless there are other problems that can't be solved. I have seen so many people ruin marriages and their children's lives because someone got the tingles over an encounter with someone attractive that was not going to commit to them. Men and women both do this almost equally. Something all young men and women should be aware of: Men...at puberty your sex drive quickly cranks up to the highest levels in your entire life in those first couple years then decays with progressively smaller bumps back up every decade or so, typically until 60s-70s. Nature does this to men to make sure they breed before getting killed as in the past lifespans were shorter for men. Women do not usually get as dramatic of an initial sex drive boost at puberty. Instead it ramps up going up faster in their 20-30s. This is natures way to coax them to use the baby bakery while they can. By the time a woman is in her early 30s her sex drive is typically around what a mans is at 17 but he is around half of where he was by 30. This is why boys go horn-ball right after puberty and get frustrated because the girls are still feeling meh about it until a little later. When women are ready to get down men's reasoning centers of the brain are just overpowering the lizard regions of the brain that beat the drums of (war)reproduction. Much of this happens in the subconscious unless you are aware to look for it. Sometimes nature seems trollish but has a method to it's madness.
Well looks aren't that important, but in my honest opinion looks are a major bonus. I do prefer someone who's very thoughtful of others and takes care of their own body and has some self respect.
I think the way you look is more important during the first seconds you`ve met her. The character decides about the time after that. Probably, character and look are the same because the way you are dressed is an expression of your personality.
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