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What type of person do you want

Even though my profile says taken I say you should always have someone else close to in case your current relationship doesn't work out Well I'm looking for a Swedish or a Asian preferably Japanese girl who'd understand me for who I am during hard times, I honestly prefer personality over looks but I'd have to think she's hot for me to have sex with her, personality wise I look for a yandere who'd be obsessive enough to love me forever but not enough to kill my best friend or my family
Huh... Advertising, that works... Prefer personality over looks, but wants Japanese or Swedish "hot" girl....Seems legit. Also, you posted this in another thread. Don't you think once is enough or do you like looking desperate? I'm also bored and am just posting for shits and giggles. So, take this with a grain of salt even if it does seem to be a trend to continually make a thread that's already been made, for attention.
You keep a person on the side in case the relationship doesn't work out? Your current relationship quite certainly won't work out with that attitude. Does your gf also have a side dude? Like, you know... Just in case, lel.
Dudes 15. His current relationship won't last anyway. Let him have his fun now until he learns what's important: not to screw girls over.
I prefer mind over skin color But since this post is asking type..... I love Japanese guys and the good old southern men.
Well I prefer personality more then anything and the girl as long as she bes herself and accepts my otakuness then I wouldn't mind dating her and as long as she's not loud or yells a lot I'm a okay pref white Mexican or Asian ( no racism intended) I have my mini reasons
Someone I get along with and enjoys my goofiness and kinda immature attitude toward some things. If things went on for quite awhile it would be a plus if she would rather adopt a kid that is a little older instead of having a baby. Dealt with babies most of my life and kinda done with that. Plus there are to many kids that need adopted.
critism time o3o First off, i don't even think there are Swedish girls here, there have been a handful of Japanese girls here from what I have seen, but your going for looks over personality if your saying she has to be hot enough to get in bed with and you have the balls to say 'I honestly prefer personality over looks' '15 year old Male Taken Likes: Females' It says your taken so your looking for someone to play with over Skype, Kik or texting behind the person you are with's back, and your only 15, my advise for you is 1) Don't act like a dog in heat 2) No one will take you seriously anymore because you come to this site and instead of looking for a relationship your acting like a child trying to start a harem. 3) You're 15 you don't need a relationship just yet wait for your balls to drop and for you to mature, way I see it is your not going to find anyone here after this post and looking at your account because it's just a joke. gtfo kid people here aren't looking to be side bitches XD Aside from the the idiotic post I just read, I feel as though if she can have fun and I mean child like fun then we might blend pretty good but I'd rather knowing that the person is loyal, caring and considerate than having the fun aspect.
Aug 10, 15 at 11:37am
Fun? What fun? When I was 14 I had a guy almost kill himself when I broke up with him. And we dated for just a month. Kids in their puberty are weird. So who knows how his chick would react if she knew how he feels about their relationship. Besides it doesn't matter how old you are one should be able to handle being single instead of making sure that one isn't at any point, eh.
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