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What kind of dere does a guy prefer???

I guess either a Tsundere or Dandure.
Personally I can't stand tsundere. The others are each fine and have their own appeals. Have to say I'm more of yan guy.
Yandere for me I guess? I'd rather have someone who really loves me, even if she's a little crazy/obsessive.
Dandere or Deredere. Tsundere's can be fun unless they hold the mask up too much too long then it gets exhausting. I have already survived the yandere nightmare with no desire to repeat.
Yandere yandere yandere nothing but yandere. I love yanderes, tsundere and the like can go somewhere else.
I have a thing for yandere girls, but I could date any of them. Dating the same type of dere as yourself would work out well too.
Tsundere. No competition. @NerdyOtaku I'd like to see if two dandere would work out.
I'll be super honest ... Any of the dere if the female would consider speaking with me ...
My friend prefers the yanderes for the wrong reasons lol. I could with with yanderes or tsunderes.
Every guy is going to be different and prefer certain kinds of personalities. That being said, guys shouldn't be so picky to the point of ruling out certain personality types if they're still pretty compatible in most other ways with a girl.
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