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NerdyOtaku @nerdyotaku
NerdyOtaku @nerdyotaku
This doesn't really feel like a dating site.

NerdyOtaku @nerdyotaku
NerdyOtaku @nerdyotaku
Working extra hours to fund anime lifestyle.

NerdyOtaku @nerdyotaku
NerdyOtaku @nerdyotaku
A bee went up my shorts when I was driving and I could feel it being squished as I drove and moved around. Luckily I didn't get stung and it lived after it fell out.
Is cheating acceptable?

NerdyOtaku @nerdyotaku
commented on
Is cheating acceptable?
NerdyOtaku @nerdyotaku
I don't think you should ever cheat. Even if your partner is cheating on you. You and your partner could agree on something so that you can include another person in your relationship.
It's your choice though on wether or not you forgive someone who cheats, but that person should apologize in person in front of both people.
If you want to see why people should not cheat, watch an anime called School Days.
This guy is creeeeping me out

NerdyOtaku @nerdyotaku
commented on
This guy is creeeeping me out
NerdyOtaku @nerdyotaku
Didn't think people were this creepy on here... You girls can and should report them.
May 30-Jun 1
Sep 12-14
Mar 27-29
Jun 19-21