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Overpowered men and women?

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Aug 07, 15 at 12:09am
ask god for a nerf
Aug 07, 15 at 12:23am
There was a girl I knew in college that I was friends with and she wanted me in her bed only for one night. I was used as a toy for her to relieve some stress before her finals, but I was okay with it. I only felt uncomfortable a few days later. It put our friendship in a state of awkwardness because I didn't understand it was a one time thing, so we kinda drifted apart. Worth it :P
I don't think either sex is overpowered. Both men and women have the power. If you feel someone is using you for sex, Get rid of the person. If you feel someone is using you for money, Again! Kick them to the curb. It's all about seeing through the bullshit. Sometimes we are unaware until it's too late and then we feel like shit later. All about being prepared.
Both men and women can dominate the other, is just depends on the parties involved. Oh I remember being used for many things including a sex toy when I was young and dumb and desperate for attention. I was also a bad BF at first but did not realize it until later and matured. Women I would say have it somewhat easier to manipulate men into sex. Men have to work a little harder or have a lot of positive things in his corner; why men coined it 'getting lucky'.
Personally, I've never felt that any of my ex girlfriends have ever used me for anything in the past, my relationships have always seemed genuine and sincere. But I do know what you're getting at, my sister's ex was one of the most manipulative arseholes I've ever met, always trying to make me and my family feel like prisoners in our own home which honestly didn't work especially after the walloping my dad gave him, I on the other hand went for a more passive-aggressive approach. My sister was a complete idiot going out with him and she's the smart one in my family. But I do think both women and men will try to be dominating and manipulative to get what they want, I think it's more of a human thing, not a gender thing.
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