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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

i once use to be attractive (average body) throughout high school but i was shy which was a huge problem for me (i know many girls don't like that) then i gained the courage to talk to many girls and thats when i was in a 6 year relationship during that time i gained weight and when my ex broke up with me, it affected my self-esteem and i lost confidence ,very deeply. now i could hardly talk to any girl that looked attractive (IMO) because to this very day i don't look as attractive as before i am working out to get back into shape but i still lack confidence in talking to girls. so, no i don't consider myself attractive at the moment :/
Never really saw myself as attractive, I mean I'm skinny for my age, really shy, socially awkward the list just goes on. Though being an overall good person and being loyal to people I consider important can be seen as my redeeming qualities.
Hmm.. No just an average guy I think (Hope). I still remember when I was bullied during Junior high. In High school some random girl from my friends class come to me (The normal anime confession style^^) and told me i was ugly as shit...(>_<) That was pretty extreme I think xD I wish I had seen my face >;D
Well now i guess i am but i definitely knew i was back when i was younger, i used to get attention from some girls which i never noticed until now...yeah now that i dont look like that XD but i mean as i am now i look fine :3
Sure plenty, about as much as an unemployed guy who lives with his mother can be.
I consider myself attractive but I'm still very self conscious. During high school you could consider me a player, if fucked a lot of girls... But it was all because I was self concious. I've always been afraid of commitment and over time I've reframed from talking to a lot of girls because I don't want to break their hearts. Do I consider myself attractive, yes... But I'm still self conscious about talking to girls, because I don't want to hurt them... Most every girl I fucked in high school just wanted to fuck me for the reputation of fucking me. None of them really wanted anything and it made me even more self conscious. but yet again.. I didn't really want anything. Everyone i've gotten with doesn't really stand out to me. They don't really have uniqueness about them... I don't know.. I feel attractive on the outside, but I feel like a disgusting person on the inside. I feel like I'm bad at talking to people, and my social anxiety always gets the best of me.
I consider myself average now days. I have been told I am quite handsome when I actually leave my lab and get out of street clothes sometimes. I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy usually. I did get a couple phone numbers on Halloween when I dressed up as Matt Smith's Doctor Who. Attraction is in the eye of the beholder. I work with a guy who is overweight, crooked and missing teeth, killer sense of humor. His wife is an ex-Budweiser model and is still nova hot in her 40's. He not rich or overly ambitious and she has eyes for no one else because he is the one who makes her happy and feel loved, he is also a pretty good father. Do not let Hollywood programming spoil your chances at happiness because you do no think you fit their bill. Ever had a dry spell then when you start dating suddenly people come out of the shadows all over the place that want to date once you are taken? There is a reason for it, you may not notice it but when you are with someone you interact with others somewhat more casually. This sometimes gets picked up on as confident behavior because you are interacting with the person without that dating calculation in the way messing you up. You speak more plainly, freely, because there is no pressure of intimate rejection....you got nothing to lose and it shows. Try to channel and cultivate that mode of comfort in yourself and you will see a difference in time. I like to use the salesman analogy because romance can feel like a numbers game sometimes. Sure a pretty, flashy sign attracts attention but the substance and means of what you actually offer is what makes them buy and come back for more. If you do not ask for the sale the answer will always be no. eek...back to work....
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I'm in reasonably good candition, have been told numerous times that I look about 19 and have pretty clear skin, so no reason to believe otherwise.
Well, It is hard to say... There is people who complement me and people who put me down... But it doesn't matter! The only thing that does matter is what I think about myself and I think I'm beautiful inside and out! :3
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