Do you consider yourselves attractive?

Kyetge! @kyetge
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
Kyetge! @kyetge
If you do, expound upon that for all of us here.
If you don't, then what are the qualities that redeem you and make you (in your opinion) still date-worthy?
Edit to add: This was inspired by Animeboy's post. :P

marc0 @marc0
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
marc0 @marc0
Nope, still I think the qualities that make me who I am and make me think that Im date-worthy, is the loyalty I have to the people I like, honesty, and probably the fact that Im seen as a sort of psychologist by the people near me.

smilebomb @smilebomb
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
smilebomb @smilebomb
Nope >___<. I'm very self conscious about my looks. But I like to think I'm a good listener. I'm willing to invest all of myself into making someone happy because finding happiness in others happiness is the one constant there is in this world.

Tiger Festival @animeboy
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
Tiger Festival @animeboy
If I was attractive I'd had a GF a looonnnnnngggggg time ago. So no.

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
Kyetge! @kyetge
I believe as long as you take care of yourself and seek to constantly/significantly improve, you're date worthy.
I, personally, consider myself slightly above average in the looks department, but several factors can influence this view.
Back when I wasn't so concerned about looks, I was regarded as "the Artist", the "Proofreader", the "funny one", the "badass"... I had a lot of complementary personality traits going for me.
Nowadays, all the girls are telling me, "Oh my Goshiiii I wanna do your makeup during prom! Your hair is so healthyyyy! You have a nice body because you ruuuun!I wish I could do that."
They do not seek to improve themselves. o.O I just realized.

click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
When I don't bother grooming, I'm not particularly physically attractive. And even on a good day with my favorite haircut and nice clothes, I consider myself somewhere between mediocre and slightly-above-average looking at best.
But through my charming personality and wit, women like me. Confidence and good social skills are pretty sexy, if I may say so. Can't sleep with someone that's too awkward to talk to, right? :P

Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
For most of my life, I never really considered myself attractive. There was a brief time for about a year or two (around '09-ish to '11-ish) where I did feel somewhat attractive, but that got shattered after a messy relationship. I mean, some people have told me that I'm good looking, but even on a really good day where I purposely try to look good, I still don't feel it. As far as qualities to make up for it go, I'd say loyalty is my best. I would never leave someone unless either they were a total nutjob or hurt me really badly.

CrimsonFox @crimsonfox
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
CrimsonFox @crimsonfox
Within the physical aspect I always had trouble believing I was "Good Looking" I took years to find a good quality among my self. That good quality grew and became a mental entity. I have no problem taking nor confidence. It's not perfect which I like =] Thus it always is room for improving.

demonlorddei @demonlorddei
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
demonlorddei @demonlorddei
Well , i really and honestly don't find myself above average good looking physically . There are many features that i don't like on myself. Although I can be a fun person to talk to ,I sometimes find that my Self Esteem could get the better of me bringing me into the "I'm not good enough" phase.

demonlorddei @demonlorddei
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
demonlorddei @demonlorddei
Well , i really and honestly don't find myself above average good looking physically . There are many features that i don't like on myself. Although I can be a fun person to talk to ,I sometimes find that my Self Esteem could get the better of me bringing me into the "I'm not good enough" phase.
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