Sigh my life sucks

Tiger Festival @animeboy
Sigh my life sucks
Tiger Festival @animeboy
I guess I'll come out and say it. I'm 24 and never been in a relationship before or even kissed a girl before. Back then when I was little a girl always usually liked me, But seeing how immature I was back then I kinda brushed off anyone liking me. I'm older and wish to find a significant other, however the girls seem to ignore me nowadays. I believe it might be karma for how I was years back.....
Then there's my lack of friends. One of em never wants to hang out, while the other one is too busy with life and rarely comes down to hang out. So here I am always alone in my room doing nothing.
I'm terrible with social interaction due to my anxieties and insecurities,Sure some of you can say go to clubs,bars etc. but those aren't my kinda places and even if I did want to go I would be able to due to lack of money,transportation,knowing where their at and socializing with complete strangers. Day after day I go to school do what I do come home and play video games,surf the net,listen to music then go to bed.On weekends it's the same except without school. Sigh one of the reasons why I'm here is because I'm kinda hoping to find some friends and maybe a significant other. I tried OKcupid but the girls there are bitches they NEVER respond to any message. So yeah. I'm sorry for the wall of text but I just really wanted to vent. there's more I wanna say but I don't want to sound like a major attention whore. Thnks for reading guys. Please drop me a comment if your interested in talking to me,knowing that there are ppl out there who'll read and care means so much to me.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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Sigh my life sucks
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
It sounds a lot like me in my teens. I can still remember the social pain. I buried myself in hobbies. When I refer to hobbies, I am talking before computers and TV remotes. Back when we still kept dinosaurs as pets. I built plastic models and flying wood models (still do). It kept me going until things turned around.

click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
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Sigh my life sucks
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
I believe I used to be far more antisocial and awkward at one point in my life, but through a couple years of college, I've managed to bring myself out and gain enough confidence to start conversations with strangers I've never met before. If you honestly want to improve this aspect of your life, realize that it will take a LONG time, because you have to continuously improve and take new risks.
Some advice:
1. Work on your physical appearance. Not enough to make yourself look glamorous, but enough to appear well-groomed, hip, and show a decent sense of fashion. Hygiene, a good haircut, clean-shaven or whatever works for you. But above all, look like a form of you that you'd like to look like.
2. Practice talking to people in real life. On the internet, you take a long time to form arguments or come up with stories about yourself while you hide behind a username and profile picture. In real life, your chat box is your voice, and your avatar is your physical person. Just getting comfortable enough not to stutter and form opinions and conversations in your head on the spot is an achievement that differentiates people that are 'awkward' and not 'awkward.'
3. Find interesting things to talk about, thus being an interesting person. This can include personal anecdotes, opinions on controversial topics such as politics, religion, science, etc... Usually in order to start a conversation out, you should have at least one thing in common with a target person you'd like to talk to (therefore having an excuse to talk to them).
Those are about the first few steps you can take to help improve, and yes it will take a considerably long time to master - but you gotta start somewhere, even if its small. Let me know if you want advice on anything else.

Kyetge! @kyetge
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Sigh my life sucks
Kyetge! @kyetge
you should become passionately interested with a lot of different things so that you can find common ground with just about anybody! Or learn how to be funny! I don't know. both have worked for me. Two years ago, the only thing that worked for me was my astounding artistic skills. That was nice, but now I'm more than that. Just build on yourself. Strive to achieve your own version of perfection.
Odds are someone's going to like it. :D

smilebomb @smilebomb
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Sigh my life sucks
smilebomb @smilebomb
I'm in the same position except a year younger so I can't really offer advice but hope everything works out for you. Try to let go of the past and what could've been and focus on now. You're still young and things will turn around, just try to stay open to everything. It can be hard socializing with people but don't be afraid to open up. You'd be surprised how accepting people can be. Atleast I was when talking about all my problems and insecurities.

mehsomethingsomethingsomet @mehsomethingsomethingsomething
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Sigh my life sucks
mehsomethingsomethingsomet @mehsomethingsomethingsomething
One word to solve your problems ( meh...been single for a year...guess I should listen), confidence. Find it and use it. You ever wonder why some of the homeliest guys can get a hot chick? Well, that'd be the reason.

nesnes @nesnes
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Sigh my life sucks
nesnes @nesnes
*puts on his serious serious face, no seriously*
You have two options. Option #1, you speedy your wayey through and find w/e match, even if your own commonality is the fact that you both shower. Option #2, you patiency your way throughy, scoping out possible candidates. To do this, go to public gatherings for people who share your interests. I know in the town I live, there are two crappy anime clubs that I do not go to because well, they are crap :P. For you, go to things like that. If you enjoy sports, go to sport things. If you enjoy games, most colleges host video game parties almost every week. Go to all of these things and you'll meet up with people, generate a list of candidates, and eventually find the best match that you'll work for and possibly fail to get, in which case, you will try, try again :D. Sitting in your room all day like Mutsuhiro from NHK is going to get you nowhere except becoming a NEET.

Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
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Sigh my life sucks
Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
I hear ya Animeboy. Same age, but not quite exact situation, but some similarities. I guess you just have to ask yourself some questions such as: 1) Who your real friends are, 2) How to overcome these obstacles and 3) What is next? I'm still asking myself these and many other questions. I still haven't found many answers yet and don't expect yourself to either. Then again, everybody is different so who knows, maybe you'll find what you're looking for sooner.

LinusBlue @linusblue
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Sigh my life sucks
LinusBlue @linusblue
Hey mayne, chin up.
If you want to be attractive to a certain set of people, you've got to make an effort to make yourself attractive. Build some confidence, perhaps work on social skills if you find yourself to be lacking in those areas. Read up on self help if that's your cup of tea. But above all, don't dwell on the fact that things haven't worked out for you yet. You'll simply get caught up in a dark abyss of depression from which it will be hard for many-a-kawaii-women to pull you out of.
If you're having trouble meeting people, try conventions or local nerd hang-outs in your area. Surely there's a DnD group, or a college anime club, or something around you that's open to the public. However, if you're not making an effort to find places to meet people it probably won't happen. :( You can do it though, you just gotta keep dat chin high.

mehsomethingsomethingsomet @mehsomethingsomethingsomething
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Sigh my life sucks
mehsomethingsomethingsomet @mehsomethingsomethingsomething
One word to solve all of your problems, money back guarantee. Confidence is what you need (meh....I'm one to talk.). If you build it, they will come ( pun? what pun?;p). Be more outgoing or at the very least more personable and you will see better results. Also, be comfortable with being single, until you are you wont feel happy and when you're happy you will exude said happiness and well...hopefully attract even more happiness.
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