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Next step advice?

Hello, didn't think that I would be asking about dating advice on a otaku dating site this morning. Why not though. I feel that I am in a bit of a slump. Only being in long term relationships I feel completely lost when it comes to dating. I'm not good at socializing in general so meeting people with the intention of dating feels like a foreign language to me. The best I have managed is blurting out something awkward to someone I like. Which doesn't usually go well. It seems that social/communication issues are common in this community so maybe someone with experience could tell me something. I want to be with someone but have no clue how to make that happen.... It also doesn't help that my last relationship wasn't physical(sexual) but I am definitely a physical person. Basically its been a while and the frustration of that only adds to my social issues.
You'll have to build your bond with someone you like and make the bond between you two stronger. Be yourself when you are interacting with someone. Have the person laugh and such. Be positive. :)
My advice is dont try as hard to be cool or interesting. Just be yourself thats all that matters. Dont go out of your way to do something cause it will just end up as a fail. Just act natural and try not to focus on the fact your trying to get this person to like you. If you just be yourself and have fun they might like you anyway
Aug 04, 15 at 3:25am
Oh, key information that I didn't make very clear is that I want to be with someone, not that I had someone i wanted to be with. But even if I did find someone that I like I just wouldn't know what to do. I've only been in 3 relationships and just one from my own doing but I would say that I just got extremely lucky with that one because the first time I was able to talk to her the only thing I managed to get out was telling her that I did like her. That was the only time that actually worked out well really. I don't even know how I could paint myself in a different light other than a huge weirdo. So what do I do if I find someone I like? How do I even find someone. How can I show that I'm not such a weirdo if its impossible to talk well.
Aug 04, 15 at 5:22am
"Oh, key information that I didn't make very clear is that I want to be with someone, not that I had someone i wanted to be with." There's your problem, you want a relationship, not a person at the moment. But, I understand the feeling. I understand you want to find someone to be in a relationship with, but your stress is coming from the desire of wanting a relationship before you've even met the person. Get to know a woman without any strings attached first. You'll talk and interact better if you're not so nervous and focused on all of the "what ifs" of forcing yourself to jump to relationship mode first. Just relax, talk and be you. I'm a social retard myself, but I've learned that more often than not I over think rather than just relax and act natural.
michaelw - Many have said act yourself which is easier said than done if you are spun on a girl. I say get yourself into those uncomfortable situations more and desensitize yourself. Be your best real self and treat girls casually like you friends or fellow people, not something to attain. Don't be hung-up on the outcome but instead enjoy the journey. Focus on self enrichment and hang out in the places that attract the type of girls you like. Live your life and have fun with others doing the activities you like and you will find people with similar interests easier. You can't get a girl like going to the store for milk but you might run into your dream girl there. I love Portland, it is not boring. Powell's is a good place to meet girls or a stop on a date roaming downtown.
Aug 05, 15 at 8:41am
Hmm... Yeah I suppose that I do get too hung up on my interest in someone that I like. Maybe that's why I can't handle those situations, gracefully.
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