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Girls Asking Out Guys?

@Sonic - I have been there. You should not actively deny yourself opportunities unless they are bad ones. I give the same advice to men and women. First be certain on who you are and what you want and what you are willing accept and clearly make it known. Find the places that attract whom you are looking for. Start mingling with the ones that catch your eye and see if they are the right one. Since you are inexperienced with relationships be forewarned. They are intense at first and confusing. Also know you will find many people attractive or attracted to you sometimes more often when dating someone already. Not every attraction is meant to be. Your body will also screw with your head and make you do things you might not normally consider. Infatuation/Love/Orgasms puts a hormone mix in your head that makes you act like a drug addict sometimes so be cognizant of it when things seem fuzzy and clear your head before making important decisions. I have asked girls out and a couple girls have asked me out it is all good to me. Men are traditionally expected to court but they have been programmed to be more passive in the last 20 years. There are many men now who even ponder if the risk outweighs the rewards entirely. Like yass said girls need to put themselves on the spot sometimes now too or they might miss out on the right person.
Jul 29, 15 at 3:15am
Uhm. It's not that unusual for a girl to ask a dude. << Personally confessed first, it was a YOLO thing, and bedamned that it had been mutual, but that was after some flirting through the phone. Haha. There isn't really a difference whether a girl asks a guy out or vice-versa. I agree, it's 2015. New approaches. Girls hit on guys, guys hit on girls, girls hit on girls, guys hit on guys, throw in bi- pan- gf's- to the mix. Ain't love colorful? :D
Been thinking about my views on this for a couple of days because I didn't want to say something useless. It's important to follow your heart and instinct. One shouldn't wait for things they passionately want to come their way, they should work for it. It works that way with relationships too (friendship or otherwise.) I have courted and asked out plenty of guys. I have been asked out and courted (even stalked....;_;)too. I do find it more amazing to be asked out by a guy who is more serious or less love focused because it shows that he was able to leave his comfort zone and become vulnerable for me- that's attractive to me. When it's a flirty guy and he is casual about it, then it feels anticlimactic and pointless.... again this is my POV. That is why instinct is important. Both parties should be considered.
Well malice that may be true and im speaking from personal exp...girls only like guys confident enough to causually flirt...i can see this because i am indeed the latter n up until my recent realationship in which i was confidenr n causually flirty i was harshly rejected
I'm referring to the more provocative kind of flirting... Modest flirting helps establish chemistry.
Jul 29, 15 at 1:04pm
I'm surprised this is even still a question in 2015.
I dont' think it should matter if the girl ask the guy first or vice-versa. It all comes down to whether or not you like a person , now i know there are shy people out there myself included ,but The best things in life happen when you put all of your fears aside and take a chance you might surprise yourself.
To be honest, I'd feel like a million bucks if girl asked me out.
I personally hav asked out multiple girls, and usually it seems i come off as friendly/flirty, than say relationship/flirty, so most girls i ask out ive talked to got to know and built a friendship first. they NEVER pan out,.. my previous relationship dated a girl for 1 n half year after she asked me out, knowing her for a total of 3 years and i guess due to my failure of noticing she wanted more, i failed to offer anything but friendship, so it was broken off she still treats me like a friend but i was way too emotionally attached i cant bring myself to even talk to her anymore,.. so which is better? they are the same, she asks or he asks doesnt matter. the only thing that matters is getting your feelings one way or another onto the table. if you like someone tell them. worst case scenario you lose a friend. but hey you can make friends everywhere. lesser case, she/he is not interested and you gain a friend. oh well... but if you dont show them and tell them you care. nothing will ever change your life will drag by and since you dont tell someone you like them they will get that from someone else. regardless of who asks who, you have to show your feelings for someone, you have to commit to it.
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