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Am I broken or free?

Let's see if I can explain this without sounding dumb... so basically I don't really believe in love anymore, or rather I don't believe it's anything all that special. I mean I used to believe in soul mates and true love and finding that special person but after a lot of soul searching/observation of other people's... relationship habits, my overly logical mind has come to the conclusion that there is no reason to pursue love or romantic relationships. I simply don't see a benefit in it. What really bother's me about it all is how... ok I seem about it. I pulled a completely 360 from someone who was a hopeless romantic and used to dream about finding that special person, to someone who doesn't believe in love... and I feel perfectly ok with it. I feel like I should feel some sadness or anger or resentment or something but I just don't. I almost feel relieved, free. I don't have to worry about my appearance, what I say or do, how I spend my time. I'm actually MORE confident talking to women because now I simply don't care what they think about me. Honestly the only negative side effects right now seems to be occasional boredom, and a lack of "connection" to people around me. Overall my mind wants to say the benefits outweigh the small cons right now. Is this all that unusual? Should I be worried or something? Or did I find some weird secret zen place in my mind? Just curious what other people think.
Jul 20, 15 at 4:59am
Trust me, you'll find love again or it will find you. Love is something much deeper than cheesy romance anyways. Also, you sound like you're just being yourself which of course feels better. Just know that love is truly elusive, but it is real. Maybe I'm a fool, but even after some of the crap I've been through, I certainly do still believe in love. Love is not just about how you feel, love is a way of life.Love is work, but as with any job, you work for a goal.You're not weird, it might just be that you were tired of wearing a mask.
What you are experiencing is clarity for the first time which is normal around the mid 20s. At puberty a mans sex drive spikes to it's highest ever in his life and fades with a few small bumps back up every 10 years or so. This is where the joke about adolescent hormones driving kids crazy comes from. Your higher reasoning centers of the brain are now able to override the older reptilian centers of the brain that drive instinct aka natures call to breed. Or in layman's terms The big head has more power than the little one down under now. It will be easier to figure out who you really love as simple attractiveness alone will not be enough to go through the drama of the chase for every pretty girl you see. Congratulations. You can start to think about who you want for a partner in life more clearly, good luck. http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/749/894/a76.jpg
Jul 20, 15 at 1:19pm
@DarkuSchneider, Totally agree with you! You're realizing now that there are a ton of pretty girls, but how many are worth going after? Consider yourself lucky, now you're actually at the best stage to go find someone. You should probably have an idea on the qualities you're interested in a partner. It's good to feel free, because that means a girl who's into you is going to be attracted to you, not any facades you're playing. This is an advantage. But of course, if you really don't feel like dating now, then don't. Don't put yourself in an uncomfortable situation just because you think you need to be in one. Go with your gut feelings, and everything will turn out okay.
We all hit that point in our lives where we do not feel the same way about romance, love, or the entire topic. For me I realized I wasn't outwardly concerned about having a partner as much when I turned 20. It got to a point where I have just been putting myself out there not for the sake of attracting a partner, but just for the sake of making sure I myself do not end up retracting all of my feelers out from the world. There is no rush to find love, because anything that is worth sharing my life for will happen, it won't just be created or forced.
Jul 20, 15 at 4:34pm
Man, it's like I could have written the same exact thing as you. I made the same realization as you when I was 25. You are entering a different stage in your life where you are wiser. Take it as personal growth.
Wow I'm surprised at how many comments I got, and how many other people seem to have gone through the same thing. I thought it was odd because most of my friends Irl can't even seem to COMPREHEND what I'm saying. As though I'm not a man if my life doesn't revolve around getting women into bed with me. I actually feel a lot better, thanks everyone! Who knows, maybe I'll get taken by surprise by someone suddenly popping into my life. But as of right now I genuinely think the benefits of being single outweigh the benefits of dating. I'm also rather enjoying being able to work as much as I want during the week and not having to use my all my vacation on my gfs. Dat overtime <3. @DarkuSchneider THAT'S PERFECT, I'M STEALING THAT PICTURE!
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