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Your a Virgin but he/she isnt.

It really doesn't matter imo. People put too much emphasis on being a virgin. I've never met a woman who was like "Well he's a great guy BUT HE'S A VIRGIN!" No one thinks like that, hell a lot of the woman I know would be ecstatic to find a virgin. On the other side of the spectrum there isn't anything wrong with prior sexual relationships so long as the person is still faithful to you and not cheating on you. Everyone has a past, no need to judge them it isn't like they murdered someone. Bottom line: judge someone based on who they are not what kind of sexual experience they have.
i wouldnt be bothered, its not like they knew they were gonna break up unless it was someone who is casually sleeping with people for fun then itd be different.
Would make me insecure both body and if he would compare me to the other(s), but as long as he showed he only sees me the. It should be fine
Hmmmmmm losing your virginity is a circumstance of getting older. I lost my virginity to random chance and If I was sworn in court I would say I had no memory of it even happening. After about a week of losing it felt like I was an adult but through the relationships I had following my previous I found that sex was so much more with the one you wanted to be with. It will always be a great experience with the one you love. So dont worry about it as long as you do it for love =)
Yes? If I was a virgin and they weren't why would I care? You can't critique them for their past like that, and if you do then don't like them because they can't change that shit. I wish I was still a virgin but it's whatever.
Oct 30, 15 at 10:42pm
I was at the time of dating my ex. Was weird at first, but we did it a lot, so got over it fast. Hate the girl now, but that is neither here nor there. So I'm ok if he or she is a virgin nothing wrong with that. ^_^
I don't think it matters as long as you care for the person and they care for you. You should love someone for who they are rather than what they've done. Also not many people are virgins any more so it's slim pickings anyways.
I'm a bit curious how many people here who say a person's past doesn't matter would be willing to date and have sex with someone who has STDs.
I'm gonna be completely honest since I'm one of the others who put past doesn't matter but that little part does matter because that's life changing and affects the present also
Neet, Been there, done that. Are you so critical that you wouldn't except someone for who they are or are they defined by thiere past? I mean, EVERYONE has skeletons in there past.
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