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KanaAi @kanaai
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KanaAi @kanaai
My gamertag is KanaAi

yuki282 @yuki282
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yuki282 @yuki282
Nice to meet you too! Yeah I was able to go. It was so much fun since my friends and I were actually able to coordinate a group cosplay for once XD

kiiriitto @kiiriitto
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kiiriitto @kiiriitto
welcome ^^ .... fine hbu ?
Long distance relationships.

hakureioni @hakureioni
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Long distance relationships.
hakureioni @hakureioni
It really really depends on the person, but more often then not they don't work out. Mostly because as some people here mentioned:
1. Both people need ENORMOUS discipline to stay faithful to each other when you are living so far away which most people are just incapable of doing.
2. In a long distance relationship you only see what your partner wants you to see. You only speak when you're both putting on your best face. That means it's harder to really get to know each other. I had a long distance relationship for a year and then we met at a con and stayed together on vacation for a week....and we broke up because we both had drastically different expectations of the other. When you're not physically interacting with a person on a regular basis and you only know what they want you to know about them then it is very hard to maintain a relationship.
So who's going to Liberty City Anime Con?

hakureioni @hakureioni
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So who's going to Liberty City Anime Con?
hakureioni @hakureioni
Yea the name is odd, but it is 100% pure anime. Which is great since NY hasn't had a dedicated anime convention since Comic-con absorbed NYAF. And at the rate this con is growing I can easily see it rivaling Otakon as the biggest East Coast con within the next 5 years or so.