Learning Lesbian

darkhorse @darkhorse
Learning Lesbian
darkhorse @darkhorse
This one is for the guys. Have you ever found out a cute girl you like, especially at an anime club or convention, is a lesbian, and it really hurt? Because my (former) friend gets really upset when a girl he has interest in is a lesbian. I personally don't care because there are so many straight women in the world that a lesbian's existence doesn't bother me. But I am curious how you guys feel when you learn the girl you like plays for the other team.

neeto @neet_one
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Learning Lesbian
neeto @neet_one
lesbians are awesome what you talkin bout.

darkhorse @darkhorse
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Learning Lesbian
darkhorse @darkhorse
I told you, I don't care, but a lot of otaku guys I know get butthurt when they find out a girl they like is lesbian

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
Learning Lesbian
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
why be butt hurt over that lmao lesbians are awesome like neet said. so what if you liked them and they are only interested in girls

mariahaise @mariahaise
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Learning Lesbian
mariahaise @mariahaise
Well i think it'd be the same for girls when liking guys and noticing they are gay later on, is like oops. But then again it shouldn't affect people that much I mean you can befriend a girl like that and for guys is so much fun. I have a lot of lesbian friends to be honest and they are awesome.

Rinar @renard
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Learning Lesbian
Rinar @renard
What's the problem if she's into girls, that's the reason you talked to her in the first place. Hypocrite much?

Kohagura @kohagura
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Learning Lesbian
Kohagura @kohagura
I don't know if this would be the same, but I know one of my close friends used to consider herself bisexual, but she also had a history of always falling for pretty guys who turned out to be gay and rejected her... I kind of wonder if that could have contributed to how she now identifies as lesbian. She still likes aesthetics of pretty men(bishounen) and likes yaoi, though I don't know if that's sexually driven or maybe she's always liked them more for the beauty aspect(she's a beautician).

- @reddwin
commented on
Learning Lesbian
- @reddwin
i thought this was going to be some thread where "lesbian" is mistaken as a language

Buji @buji
commented on
Learning Lesbian
Buji @buji
There was once a girl I liked back in highschool, she was really cool and friendly, and she also made really good key lime pie, but I later found out she's only into chicks.
I wasn't hurt, but was just like, "huh...didn't know that"

DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
commented on
Learning Lesbian
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
It can be a bummer for either gender but no reason to get butt hurt. I just acknowledge it casually and move on. Sometimes I chat them up anyway without hitting on them, networking never hurts. There are ~7 billion people on this planet. You will meet more than one you like that likes you if you put yourself out there enough and be true to yourself. I have many GFs that are bi or gay, sometimes I will even wingman for them if they return the favor. It can be very entertaining and educational guys, trust me.
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