If anime became illegal...
Nakama @jacob1
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If anime became illegal...
Nakama @jacob1
Lets start some Riots and protest. Time to start under ground anime clubs. Remember the first rule of anime club is don't talk about anime club. lol
Like that would ever happen.
Nakama @jacob1
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If anime became illegal...
Nakama @jacob1
Obama thank Japan for Anime and manga. lol
Jet @jetzain
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If anime became illegal...
Jet @jetzain
yeah I agree @tetora I know there is a long way before they could do that with anime
now that Obama is on our side
but if they do that I would begun a civil Otaku world
we got the best neets, strategies guys, and you know plus how many otakus are in the world! right enough to create their own country
Jet @jetzain
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If anime became illegal...
Jet @jetzain
Sorry Civil Otaku War!
Nakama @jacob1
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If anime became illegal...
Nakama @jacob1
Where do I sign up for the side to fight for the right to watch anime. If you don't like anime then you don't like art.
trahecreations @trahecreations
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If anime became illegal...
trahecreations @trahecreations
Depends on what would get results. Normally for me, since I am not popular I can't do petitions. So I would most likely blackmail, cheat, lie and con the law makers to make them over turn it. I mean blackmail is easy, people treat me like the wall and tell me everything so why not make use of it? To succeed I would need like 5 months though. :P
LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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If anime became illegal...
LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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If anime became illegal...
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
Lock N Load LOL
LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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If anime became illegal...
LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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beatsbodyshot @beatsbodyshot
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If anime became illegal...
beatsbodyshot @beatsbodyshot
Oh god I would get a life sentence for smuggling and watching and killing please no bank anime ;( ban Disney
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