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burnt out

Have you ever just got out of a bad relationship and felt like you were to exhausted for any kind of romance or dating? It has happened to me before.
Yea, and that's not bad. Better then immediately jumping into another relationship. It's good to take a break and work on yourself for a bit
I dunno. I usually enjoy the calm before another storm starts up. I use it to sort things out in my life before moving on.
Arc @arc commented on burnt out
Apr 22, 15 at 1:33am
I haven't been in a relationship in nearly 10 years. I just kinda gave up trying after a while.
@Kyomi that's a positive way to look at it. :) @arc I'm sorry dude. But don't give up. I know if you kueep an open mind, doors will open for you
Yup. It is a good time to self reflect and work on yourself like soraph and Kiyo said.
Apr 22, 15 at 7:35pm
I'm going through that right now. I just want to work on me for now.
@eand0802 awesome I hope things go your way
My last relationship fell apart after 2 and a half years and she has left me for someone else. I always thought that me and her were made for each other, but I guess that's not the case anymore.
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