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Taking it too slow

Do you guys ever feel like you missed out on a good relationship because you took things too slow? I know I have in my experience. WBU?
Of course! This happens when partners are often at different points in their life. If you two aren't in sync, its very hard to have a successful relationship.
It happens all the time, happened to me more than once. Pacing is part luck of where the parties involved are at emotionally when they become attracted to each other like Zen said. Clear communication and reception can mitigate this depending on the parties involved. I got friend zoned for not playing to win too hard once and later told so by the girl...almost as bitter as the red pill.
Apr 19, 15 at 2:06am
Yeah sometimes I wonder if that was the reason behind some of my problems. Guess it can't be helped that a lot of people are inpatient.
It may not always be impatience, they may think you are not really into them after all or just really want to only be friends. If you are not escalating things on occasion or making your intentions clear and still hanging around them a lot it can send the wrong impression sometimes. Unresolved emotions can be draining and some people will just write it off after a while and move on instead of waiting for a possible conclusion(it goes both ways). Women sometimes do chase men more these days but most of the ones I talk to say they do it out of impatience of shy guys that can't court, or see someone so awesome they can not leave it up to chance to meet and go for it immediately. Leave nothing up to chance if it matters enough.
Apr 21, 15 at 9:21am
I wished I had taken it slower on my first(RL) relationship, or not been in it at all... I really regretted it. But my second RL relationship I did wish he were more assertive... I mean, he kind of teased me with open-mouth kisses without going further(I don't know if it's common knowledge or not, but tongue kissing gets people aroused). We're still close friends today though, so I don't have any regrets from being with him, and cherish the memories.
@kohagura, that really sucks. But it good you guys can still be friends. It ducks when you feel like it just about to happen but the other ends up holding back
To be honest, with my first relationship, we both made the mistake of taking things too fast, and it was a direct result of me moving to a new state. First and only date (As it was long distance from there), we went out to dinner, held hands, kissed each other on the cheeks (I went for the full kiss, but got rejected lightly because she said it would hurt worse while I was gone), and cuddled on the couch while watching movies. Slow and steady wins the race. You have to make sure whoever you're with is someone you can really relate with, and rely on, and that they are comfortable doing the same with you.
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