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Asking someone out Guys vs. Girls

Girl: I don't get girls that don't just come out and say it to the guy they like. I mean they only might have the fleeting moment of time for there changes to say something to the guy they like before it is gone. I mean do they what to regret what could of been. Guy: A guy just goes and ask the girl he likes out to be rejected and turn down, but at least he tries and maybe the girl will go out with him. I go for it. What about you?
Mar 06, 15 at 12:35am
Real life isn't mathematics. You can't write something down and expect every person and every relationship to work the same way. I don't get people that are straight up too lazy or shy to talk to girls but I can understand the fear of asking someone out. The moment you do, everything changes. It doesn't matter what they say, they're is no turning back, they're is no let's forget about it. Once the words come out, it stays there looming over the two you like a raven waiting for you to fall and eat you up!
Well say Key, Everyone person is different. Some girls will come out and tell you that they like you, some just hint at it, and some don't leave any evidence at all. But to even get to any of those stages you have to talk to that person or you will never know or have the chance to find out. Common interests is always a good start :)
Yeah, but isn't it better to go for it then just sit by and let what could be pass you by. I rather love and lost then to never have love at all. Any ways girls from what many girls have told me they like confidents. I think guys like it too. Well that and cuteness when girls are shy about it.
I've yet to have ever met a girl I wanted to ask out, but yeah if you like a girl what's it hurt to ask? So you get rejected, it happens. Might suck a bit but you just gotta move on that's all. If you never ask you'll never know if they might accept.
Mar 06, 15 at 1:33am
For better, yes, it is. My point being, that again, the world would be a better place if we all always did what's best instead of dodging it. But unfortunately, humans don't work like that. There are millions of things at play when doing stuff like, and it's all those variables, that will mold the players action, rather than a predetermined 'best' option.
Key - Fewer people are taught now how to do the right thing it seems. I sense frustration. Tetra - I agree it is good to go for it but not for the sake of doing it alone. Every person you will become attracted to in life is not ideal to date nor should you always try. You have to check your head and know what you want before asking for it and if it is worth the trouble or from the right person. That just takes practice, observation, and introspection. Confidence can be faked a little but quickly crumbles when tested if there is no character behind the curtain. The confidence people often talk of is if you know who you are, what you are about, you know how to express it without doubt, you know exactly what you want, and you can show work towards attaining it. Girls can sometimes play coy to flirt but men are typically expected to speak plainly and be direct and know how/when to flirt back. If you are too apologetic (meaning you don't believe what you say yourself or are in-genuine) or use words associated to defeatist mentality you will not be respected much. Girls do have some advantages but are people with the same potential obstacles as any other.
I don't really 'go for it' so to speak...it just tends to happen. I don't think any of the guys I have been with have actually 'asked me out', we just ended up dating.
im usually the one to ask some one out (which is usually a huge suprise to guys for some reason) part of its becuase i hated a wasted chance.iv only once not spoken my true feeling and almost regreted it for the rest of my life luckly i got a second chance so in that sense it worked ,though the relation ship was a major bust im talking starpangled banner go down with the ship fireworks bust.the thing is to this day i was still grateful for the second chance even if it hurt like the dickens in the end. i dont know how to really play coy and im not a very good flirt so mabey thats why their so suprised. lol iv had to learn to just let things move according to their own pace instead of being so afraid that im going to miss the chance that i blind side them or miss it anyway ^_^
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