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Otaku Boyfriend Needed! Why aren't there any Guy Otakus DX

I plan on it my good man. Having to many lives just makes it to easy hahaha.
I do think those kinds of threads are starting to get annoying. It's always the same problems, same answers, same arguments...etc. It's the same stuff over and over again;and why shouldn't it? We're all but humans, we all go through the same stuff together, so I really don't get the whole 'woe is me' attitude some people have been demonstrating as if no one on earth could possibly understand their pain and suffering. It's very self-centered and ignorant I'd say.
Mmm... Well not everyone has the understanding of human nature in their pocket, ya know. Lots of people want to, or sometime feel the *need* to be heard. To have your own emotions be locked up in your own mind can get pretty stressful, so hearing (rather reading) other people acknowledge your hurt helps. Taking steps in reality to help mend one's heart and mind is a lot more difficult than what emotionally stable people think it would be for someone who's suffering. Simply put: People gotta vent or they blow up. Or become super salty about things. Or overall just negatively think about everything. I've accepted the bitterness and disgusting reality that we live in, and all the awful things that come with being a human. Emotions, memories, happiness and suffering, etc... But I also try to keep good things in mind and try to bring others up with me. Having the same sorts of threads and conversations does happen, but it's not really a bad thing now, is it? I mean, as much as I'd love to say that we all live every day differently and have different things to talk about, there's bound to be lots of overlap, lol... Everyone needs their thoughts to be heard. Some people just do it wrong and in a malicious way. I don't think this is one of those. XD
@ Seraph01 Thank you for sharing your experience too and for the complement. I appreciate it a lot. You are very handsome yourself. Now on that note, being pretty has not really helped me much because I am not just looking for someone who thinks I am physically attractive, I want a man who knows what he wants and is honest about his feelings. I am very honest and open about my feelings so thats why I struggle meeting men who are respectful, loving and honest. I used to have insomnia, now its a weird sleep regime I have but I get enough rest. I also struggle with depression and people around me are not as understanding, which of course only makes it worse. I have gotten a lot better and thankfully anime and manga are my natural medicine for depression. I also can usually watch anime until I start falling asleep, and its soothing.
What Afomaru says is the truth. There's this program that I'm actually a part of called Peer Listening, in which the entire point of the program is to let people vent their problems to somebody. Let's just say I had a friend who might've committed suicide if he hadn't had the session with me. After that session, he's feeling a whole lot better.
Umm, I have tried everything and failed, so I am trying again. This thread was meant to be that sort of ice breaker, it was intended to be ironic sarcastically funny. But I guess some people did end up thinking I was just whining about being shy. I am more shy in real life when it comes to getting out of my house as there is honestly no other place I would rather be. I can't even think of any other hang out spots where I would possibly meet people who are open enough to accept a new friend unconditionally. I guess no one can really understand unless they are living my life. It's cool I appreciate everyone's input and take everything with a grain of salt. I am very thankful to all those who posted their own experiences and shared their honest opinion. It felt good to have a conversation with a group of people without getting aggressive, but that's too much to ask. I am not good at confrontation it always ends up bad. I am in a more peaceful mood, maybe because it's getting late and i am sleepy. I do want to continue this conversation with you all and hopefully we can all be friends and have a good laugh at it all. I feel like laughing is the best thing to do about problems because in the end we just create these prisons in our own minds. I am enjoying my secluded life at the moment, too many poisonous people surrounded me for some years and now I am finally free from the hate spewing people. So I'd like to enjoy that freedom a little longer. Even if it does mean staying in my room watching anime and reading manga. I still want to make some friends online whom I can talk to without the pressure of judgment or fear of rejection. That's the good thing about online friendships and conversations, I don't get to see the other person's physical reactions and start getting paranoid. I am an empath so I feel and see things that sometimes I wish I didn't. So that is why I am comfortable alone, but still need that connection with someone or someones. All I ever wanted was a healthy respectful honest relationship with someone/s. The kind of relationships that are empowering, motivating, and truly loving in nature without being forced. I don't think anything should ever be forced, as there is always the possibility of true genuinely. Thank you all for the feedback and support hope to talk to you all soon again. Im pretty sure I sent out friend requests for most, sorry if I didn't send me one, I just probably forgot or missed it. other than that, I am just doing my best and putting myself out there to see who comes along and who is worth keeping :) ^^
Well after reading the entire thread, I won't go on a rant about myself and how I feel. I'll just say being surrounded by people who accept you for who you are is an irreplaceable feeling. Looks matter for the ice breaker believe it or not. There is a lot of things in this thread that I agree with and disagree with but I'd rather type on my computer than my phone lol.
Welcome back Guren, may your search be fruitful. Message me anytime if you want to BS. The White Knight thing kind of ticks me off so... I struggled with shyness and being awkward growing up too. Weakness is, ironically, very powerful programming. It made my early work life suck too. I was raised by women from a child to be an exceptional white knight and I did not disappoint. I was blinded by the idealistic historical figure, not what it really meant. The WK is not a selfless defender of justice or worthy peoples anymore. Few were in the first place. Some WK are often unwittingly self-serving manipulators who are 'nice' as a means to an end to get 'their reward' because that's what they were taught. Others, a sacrificial lamb driven to self induced misery by selfish people who dangle carrots to entertain themselves watching the show(friend-zone). Get beat down enough in the field of battle and the armor(cage) gets loose enough to wriggle free before losing ones spirit. If you don't you will be one of the poor emasculated middle-aged men who are dominated by a resentful partner or cleaned out and abandoned. Some can always hope to become the consolation pet "good guy" husband if you are (un)lucky once the bad-boys get old or moved on to younger toys. Then you can wonder why your mate spends more time with romance novels than you until death or divorce do you part. I am glad I avoided those fates as I have seen it happen to others many times. I am a Ronin who fights for myself since no one is ever going to do it for me. I guess I debuted in college lol. My career improved after that too. Deprogramming shyness is no different. Get out there and mingle take some shots, land a few, take notes as you dust yourself off and go back for more when ready. If you apply yourself with a good attitude you can get stronger than you hoped instead of just callous. Everything starts and ends by ones own inner-strength or lack of it, find it and cultivate it. Quote's from Dune - Science fiction that is fact: "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when my fear is gone I will turn and face fear's path, and only I will remain." "I'll miss the sea, but a person needs new experiences. They jar something deep inside, allowing him to grow. Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. THE SLEEPER MUST AWAKEN."
I'm sorry, but I gotta say it. I know it's been said, but a guy posted something similar earlier today and people ripped him a new asshole. The way everyone is responding to this thread, is the way we should respond to all the ones who feel shy and alone. We've all been there, and the last thing we need is someone saying " I hate people who post this". Anyways just be yourself Guren, the people who can't accept you for who you are aren't worth your time.
Excuse my ignorance, but who is Guren? I've never heard of you before.
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