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Otaku Boyfriend Needed! Why aren't there any Guy Otakus DX

And yet, I've seen the same style from guys. And guess what? Yes, some coddle, but more seem to be against a guy who complains of shyness than a woman who does the very same thing. We all get shy, the fact that one takes a step, even if onlin to cchange that is a good thing and a start. But, don't come in complaining about being shy, that solves nothing and only seems to be an attempt to garner attention or sympathy for an all to common challenge that all must face at some point.
@Yaasshat ,It's true that everyone has these types of problems, But you don't know what else she's been through, What other types of problems she has that weigh on her. Look I agree, I don't think people should complain about shyness, Or really anything honestly(I find whining a waste of time you could be fixing it), But sometimes some people just want a bit of help, And that's O-K-A-Y. I agree, People that do it for attention are irritating, But not all are like that and it's stupid for people to have a double standard against men about it. But that doesn't mean "WHINING" about other people talking about there problems fixes anything, If you don't like it, Ignore it, Instead of WHINING about it yourself. Your not helping anyone by doing it.
Woah now, let's not get into a tourney, my fellow white knights. XD No problem. I haven't been on to try to dole out the feel goods and laughs as of late, but I'll keep having at it. XD Hah, shame you're in Fl, you might be the type of person I'd get along with well and enjoy hanging out with in person.~ Anyways, you must type rather quickly, lol, you've quite a solid amount in your responses to everyone so far. You shouldn't have too much of a problem holding conversations online. A little bit practice Rl utilizing that talkative nature of yours is sure to open up people to ya. Well, the ones who are actually open about themselves, at least. XD
Meh... I'm done ranting anyways. My comment was more intended to get those who will get on a guy for the same issue while being all friendly and kind to a female who says essentially the same thing. Beside, I'm only here 'cause I'm bored. Really, do as you wish, but ddon't expect the results you want without doing the correct actions. I realize some need a boost from others to get a start and maybe this thread will ne of great benefit to the OP, I was just putting more food for thought out there is all.
@Yaashat, I understand where you coming from, But please next you do something like this, Be a bit more polite about it.
It's difficult to socialize with people, especially strangers, if you are an introvert or have difficulty trusting people. How do I break the ice? What should I say to make me look polite and fun? How does the other party think about me? What if I do something inappropriate? How can I confirm his/her statements? These questions used to plague my mind endlessly. A good friend of mine however summed socializing and friends up pretty accurately: friends were strangers and strangers were friends. What kind of activities do you like to pursue? Join a local club or volunteering group to find at least people with common interests. Love anime? That's why I guess you are partly here. Not confident of yourself? Confidence comes with experience and experience comes with trials and tribulations. At least, you are picking yourself up after that dreadful experience of your, Guren. That's a good start. People are like Christmas presents: you truly don't know what you are going to get until you test them out! Sometimes you get hurt, betrayed or shunned; but you just gotta keep on moving and trying. That's what it means to be human, at least for me, http://youtu.be/N45UfPdj9a0
Pssssh....I'm not an ass for nothin'.:P
Tis a bitter type of brain food, but indeed a good thing to keep in mind. The sour white knight does bring up a solid point. You should probably start small talk just with random people at places you're comfortable at. Already brought up in my first post here, but worth mentioning again: go to places where you know where you can be *you* without fear. It'll boost your confidence and let you talk to people that are more likely to have interests similar to yours.
Also please enough with the white knight stuff. I'm a vampire for Christs sake! If Anything I'm red knight *Nods to self* hahahahahaha
Red knights are cool too. Donate that extra life to others! After taking it from your enemies first, of course.
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