Otaku Boyfriend Needed! Why aren't there any Guy Otakus DX

Guren @guren
Otaku Boyfriend Needed! Why aren't there any Guy Otakus DX
Guren @guren
edit**This thread title is sarcasm ( not really asking why there are any otaku guys, or asking for an Otaku BF, I just thought it would be funny to make an Ironic thread title** sorry for the confusion**
So I thought I should make a thread about this since there are so many about otaku girls/girlfriends.
Anyways this thread is really about my social awkwardness and how I couldn't figure out a legit title to my thread that expresses my loneliness due to my social awkwardness.
It's hard for me to make friends in real life. I am I guess to sensitive, and have been hurt by almost every person that has come into my life.
I am struggling to build my social skills again so that I can at least meet a few real friends I can hopefully trust and have healthy relationships with.
Anyone else experiencing similar difficulties?
I had a very bad experience with a member of this site and almost quit forever. But I managed to build the courage to come back and give it another try. After all I can't judge the whole website based on one individual.
So…friends anyone?

nikita_13 @nikita_13
commented on
Otaku Boyfriend Needed! Why aren't there any Guy Otakus DX
nikita_13 @nikita_13
Welcome back, glad to see you decided not to let an oxygen thief chase you away from here.

Guren @guren
commented on
Otaku Boyfriend Needed! Why aren't there any Guy Otakus DX
Guren @guren
Thank you nikita_13 ! It means a lot ^^ and yeah I am glad too.
It was difficult at first, but hopefully it gets easier with time and friends.

gero_b3llum @gero_b3llum
commented on
Otaku Boyfriend Needed! Why aren't there any Guy Otakus DX
gero_b3llum @gero_b3llum
Well, I mean I don't have as much baggage as you probably do, but I am shy. I'm doing better with it now, because I can actually approach people and talk to them, but I still occasionally avert my eyes from people when they talk to me.
Anyway, I kind of understand where you're coming from, just without the the whole backstory that came with your shyness, that sounds just horrible.

Guren @guren
commented on
Otaku Boyfriend Needed! Why aren't there any Guy Otakus DX
Guren @guren
Hi Gero.
It's not so much that I have a problem carrying on conversations and such in real life.
It's just that somehow I always manage to say the wrong thing and people end up hating me?
Yeah I guess I do have a lot of baggage I'm trying to leave in the past and start new.
Hopefully meet new people who accept me for exactly who I am, and can share common interests.
I am trying to be accepting of everyone no matter their background or personality.

gero_b3llum @gero_b3llum
commented on
Otaku Boyfriend Needed! Why aren't there any Guy Otakus DX
gero_b3llum @gero_b3llum
That's an awesome way of thinking, Guren. And I guess I could say that part of my shyness is essentially, "Am i going to say the right thing?" as well, just in a more lighthearted way. Like how I'm always afraid of telling jokes spontaneously because 9/10 times I've somehow mixed the punchline into the joke XD
Anyway, after such an experience, I'm glad you've had the courage to return to this site. And you also shouldn't say...
"Hopefully meet new people who accept me for exactly who I am"
Because YOU WILL meet new people that accept you for who you are. :)

Guren @guren
commented on
Otaku Boyfriend Needed! Why aren't there any Guy Otakus DX
Guren @guren
Thank you Gero from the bottom of my heart for such kindhearted words.
I do believe I will find people who accept me, and I won't give up.
haha I guess you could say I do joke around a lot too, and its sort of built into my brain probably from watching so much anime.
Perhaps part of our problem too is that we haven't found people open enough with their feelings and emotions to accept someone else unconditionally.
I am trying to stay away from such individuals whose only concern is their own interests and lives, and using others. Unfortunately that's the sort of people I run into a lot in real life, it's almost made me believe that everyone is the same and they just want to use until there is nothing left.
So I live a life of seclusion. It's hard to start new at something I was never good at. I want to be a better judge of character so that my feelings and emotions don't get used and abused anymore.
I really appreciate your support though, haven't heard kind words from anyone in a long time.

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
commented on
Otaku Boyfriend Needed! Why aren't there any Guy Otakus DX
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Well I got two real friends irl,But that's about it. All you need to do irl is just go get a job or talk to people at the one you already have.
But here, It's quite easy, Just leave a message on someones profile saying hello, and well.. talk hahaha. Many people do not care about " baggage" myself included so try not to worry about that either. Just try to be confident and talk to people.

Key @key17
commented on
Otaku Boyfriend Needed! Why aren't there any Guy Otakus DX
Key @key17
The irony.
Anyways, shyness is something that can be overcome with time and willingness. It's not about forcing yourself to do something you're not used.
Slow and wins the race.

gero_b3llum @gero_b3llum
commented on
Otaku Boyfriend Needed! Why aren't there any Guy Otakus DX
gero_b3llum @gero_b3llum
You're welcome, Guren, and I agree with Leo, you just have to be confident.
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