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Second chances?

Just wondering. If a girl/boy was unfaithful to you, but you had loved her/him previously, is that the end of the road? Regardless of how much and how long you may miss her/him thereafter? I mean, how inclined are you to forgiving one for something as that?
By unfaithful you mean cheating, right? If someone cheats on you, even if you still do love them, you should probably break up with them. Who's to say it won't happen again? For them to cheat on you it means the relationship is going downhill and is likely to fail. You might as well go out on a strong front.
I agree. However it's easier said than done. I mean suppose you are married, children, etc. I mean is cheating irrovocable? It seems like the greatest sin against a signficant other, like such a grand one. Might as well have just killed me in my sleep kind of thing.
Feb 19, 15 at 10:39pm
Before you decide to commit to a relationship, set at least both sides' most adamant expectations or requirements. There are some who forgive unfaithfulness; to me it's a cardinal mistake that will land you straight into the divorce courts.
Feb 19, 15 at 10:48pm
Infidelity is forever, no matter if it was the first time or however many times before, it will happen again. If someone has so little respect for you and your relationship, then remaining with them is a waste of your time.
Feb 20, 15 at 1:18am
Yeah it's a bit hard but if they've treated once it'd be hard to trust they wouldn't do it again. If you really truly do love that person then of course you'd probably wanna give them another chance to stay with them, but people are likely to take advantage of that. Lot of people would cheat if they thought they could get away with it, what happens when they know their partner might forgive them even if they get caught?
Feb 20, 15 at 2:00am
I am a person who believes in second chances, Even though I can forgive someone, It doesn't mean there shouldn't be any consequences, Since I'm also a person who believes in justice. If someone cheats on you, It shows disloyalty, weak self control and even dishonesty if they aren't the reason you know about the act. Of course if you love someone you will have a bias towards them that will affect your decisions, It will make you want to either forgive them or hate them most likely. If they do it once though, What will stop them from doing it again? Self control? No they already proved they don't have much of that, Love? Maybe, maybe not, I expect they loved you before they did it, Remorse? This is a good possibility, But you never know what a person is truly, Truly capable until they cross the line. Either way, it will affect you relationship's trust forever and could create some bad blood in it as well. If they see they can get away with it once without repercussions, This will only increase the likely hood of it happening it again. Personally even though I am a very compassionate forgiving person(in my eyes at least), This is going to far, A relationship is built on trust, loyalty and love, Cheating betrays all of that. It hurts the partner emotionally greatly and has even caused people to commit suicide(Personally I believe that is stupid but hey there choice). I would suck up my emotions like all hard choices and do what I believe is right, Break it off, No matter how much I wouldn't want too. I wouldn't mind being friends afterwards if they are truly sorry, But she proved that she isn't what I'm looking for in life. Maybe a few months down the line if she has matured and still loves me and if I still love her, I may give it another go, But I doubt it, Everyone has their inner demons that they no matter how hard they try they can't fight off, and that knowledge would probably stop me from ever trusting her in that way again. That's this vampires view on it.
Vampire speaks eloquently, I must say O.o. Thanks for all those who responded. I mean it has hapened to me with the one I thought I was in love with; this was 2 years ago. I just though driving home "would i take her back if she showed up at my door, (She would constantly do this; we were in high school so it was like you know) and I'm stupid enough to say why not in that case (knowing why not, of course.) It's just I know we're bound to come across one another one of these days; and I'll be damned if I don't lust after her simply because she is, for all intents and purposes, the embodiment of my adolescent years. Cocky arrogance, flamboyant disregard for things, a single-minded concentration on "now and gimme," all climaxing into a decided infactuation with a petite, curiously absentminded flower girl. xD I would not probably still think of her were it not for the influence she had on my career path. Anyhow, you all are right. I would give the same advice. And if I wrote nonsense, excuse me, It's about 3 A.M and I'm still up drinking coffee, rocking to queen, and studying (can we call it that?) italian. xD
Nope. If they cheat they are likely to do it again. /: That's just how they operate.
Feb 22, 15 at 11:27pm
I see you like eating your own poop
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