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Second chances?

Feb 22, 15 at 11:42pm
and fromtheashes and I have a very interesting and unique situation on how we got together. We met on maiotaku in August 2013 and we did confess to each other about a month later, but we were long distance so we didn't make anything official. A month after we met, he also met a girl on here who lived close by and although he liked me (more?), she liked him and after the second time they went out together, they were a couple. Of course I was very heart broken. But I always wanted to support him so we stayed in touch, even if his girlfriend at the time didn't like him to. Of course, they broke up in January 2014 and he didn't expect me to still like him but I did. And I said, yeah I would go out with you. And here we are a year later. It really depends on the situation. You have to look at everything and the mistakes they made and if they could have done it differently.
Yeah. In simpler terms, I feel like it all comes down to trust and honesty. Just ask yourself these questions: Do you trust the person enough to give him/her a second chance? Why or why not? How is he/she earning your trust back?
Feb 23, 15 at 6:51am
As for my opinon, you need to be ready for the consequences you have to face when giving someone a chance who already cheated on you before. One of the possiblilities would be that the person will do it again just because you gave the person a second chance or this person just wanted to use you to wait for a better person. Another possibility would be that the person just wanted you back then when you show that you wanted to come back to that person then he/she will make you feel hurt for leaving him/her then that person will be commited to another person (which happened to me). Just weigh on things just like what fromtheashes said :) It's up to you if you still trust the person, the efforts the person makes and how that person is worthy of your trust :)
Feb 23, 15 at 7:15am
Depends. Always depends.
jas @jas commented on Second chances?
Feb 23, 15 at 7:16am
There is giving a relationship a second chance and then there is blatantly cheating on your partner. No one with any self respect should accept the same mistake in their life back in.
Feb 25, 15 at 5:09am
My ex cheated, I found out, Confronted her about it, broke up with her, moved out, deleted her from everything(FB, Phone, whatever), Got rid of everything that had to do with her(Pictures, Notes, Letters, Clothing, This badass bracelet she got me FML), Got rid of all my friends that were also her friends, and I never saw her again :D I forget what she looks like. Fuck second chances. Ain't worth it. Theres 7 billion people out there. I'm not going to waste my time. She eventually tried getting in contact with me and I blocked her ;D
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