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Nice guys or bad boys or mean guys???

I understand where you are coming from Luffy, I have been there.I also agree with what vampire said. I believe girls do like nice guys but they want confident guys and a sense of security from them. You can still be a nice guy with those traits, however a lot of nice guys tend to have lower self confidence which is a turnoff for many girls. In my opinion it seems the jerk boyfriend phase gets left in the dust when girls are looking for a serious relationship and it makes a truly nice guy look like a prince in comparison to previous relationships.
Probably because the usual view that girls want to fuck the bad boys but friendzone the nice guys...
Xuell brings up a good point and deeps my questions on it. I am kind of attracted to a girl being nice to me and I think there are attracted to me for being nice too. I often go after ones who I have stuff in comment with. Then I can talk to them with out should to foolish. It would be better if I try to find a girl that is fun to be with and make me a better person and her me. I agree with Xuell on those are very important. How would I tell you I am nice. It is hard to tell and easier to show how I am nice. I just try to be my self with her. I am nothing more then me. I maybe a little self at time, but I am human. Maybe my better question would be what is a nice guy?
I don't believe in the friend zone if both party's are single. One is bound to be attracted to the other.
Make sure to distinguish between girls you're attracted to and the ones you're actually in love with.
Do you need to be in love with the girl to ask out Imacto? That just sounds like more heart brake when she turns me down. I'm sad over the turn down and she is unfazed. I rather be attracted to her then summon the courage to ask her out first then get to know her better and fall in love then.
My personal opinion of someone who is nice is a person who would give the shirt off their back to help another person in need. It is true that anyone can claim to be nice however, there are definitely truly kind and caring people that are in a separate league. There is a difference between being a decent human being and what I would consider truly "nice".
yeah only asking out girls(or boys) you're in love with sounds like a bad idea Impacto. idealistically speaking it's nice and all, but realistically speaking that's just aiming for heartbreak like luffy said.
Neet is on the same page ^ I think it is because we are older and seen the world for what it is. I have had my heart broken by my ex. already. I don't want to go though that every time I ask a girl out.
I'm just saying it's easy to get excited and pursue someone just because they're nice to you, when in reality, that was just one facet of their personality. 'Being nice' should be a given, not a game changer. But if you feel like this could actually go somewhere, heck, go for it. Personally, I'd rather not jump into a relationship until I'm certain it has a solid foundation to begin with.
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