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Kisuki_Tatsumaki @kisukitatsumaki
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Kisuki_Tatsumaki @kisukitatsumaki
thanks for accepting ^_^
What's your weakness

ryguy @ryguy
commented on
What's your weakness
ryguy @ryguy
Girls dressed in cute clothes. Also girls who enjoy outdoor activities like fishing sitting by a fire etc. I may love anime but I'm still a country boy at heart.
How do you define a troll?

ryguy @ryguy
commented on
How do you define a troll?
ryguy @ryguy
A troll is basically the same as your school yard bully mentality. They seek attention in any way they can get it by offending or pushing others buttons and positive or negative attention doesn't matter they just want any and all of it. Only difference is online they can hide behind a screen and be as offensive as possible with no fear.