What's your fantasy and what's your reality?

oniiai(raven) @oniiai
What's your fantasy and what's your reality?
oniiai(raven) @oniiai
I have no fantasy because I can't escape from my reality.

neeto @neet_one
commented on
What's your fantasy and what's your reality?
neeto @neet_one
To have a house of my own in the middle of nowhere far away from other people, have a dedicated figure museum on the property and a warehouse that would house a massive lego city I'd be working on contently.
Would also be cool to have an RV or something and travel around the country, just exploring randomly.
reality; stuck in a god awful town slowly becoming worse every day. Can't find a decent job and probably wouldn't be able to hold it down if I did. even if I got a job, unless it was -really- well paying there would be no way I could afford to move out on my own anyway because housing costs are insane. Stuck spending most of my days in my room which is both my prison and my sanctuary.

usagimodoki @usagimodoki
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What's your fantasy and what's your reality?
usagimodoki @usagimodoki
Fantasy: Never having to work a day in my life. Buying all the video games I want. Surrounded by love and pizza. Not having to worry about gaining weight from all that laziness above.
Reality: Well my current living the good life situation will come to an end soon. No longer will I be associated with the upper middle class when I go off to college/live on my own ;-; I asked my dad what could he possibly need with all that money. Never answered just told me that he would cosign on an apartment and that was it. So I need to find a job and soon -3- I have no special skills and my social skills aren't too great, but they want me to start off with retail...

meister24 @meister24
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What's your fantasy and what's your reality?
meister24 @meister24
Fantasy: Someday, somehow, settle down in Japan. Tokyo/Osaka/Hokkaido/any rustic, countryside-ish place in Japan while working and living affordably
Reality: In the process of obtaining legal work status in the U.S (not that I'm illegal to begin with) which is both heavily expensive and worrisome; chance of success is dependent on a lottery system regardless of background and skills (I'm not kidding here). At the same time, I'm planning on pursuing higher education abroad so that's money and immigration to prepare for. Oh, and I'm juggling increasingly heavier work duties and responsibilities, and larger-scaled projects too...so yeah. Need a vacation/sleep/rest at least.

DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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What's your fantasy and what's your reality?
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
Fantasy: Casually roam the corners of the earth in endless adventure with my special one. Go to space and settle down in some remote peaceful villa when we are old.
Reality: I'm navigating the crappy economy fairly well and getting back on track to world domination ;) I don't need to make more money but it makes things easier but I don't want to move away to do that if I can. My last relationship (college sweetheart) was a long and complex one and it took a couple years to screw my head back on straight. I really love what I do now and I hope to find someone who loves what they do whatever it may be. My friends want to go to Japan as a group next year but they are all married now except me which is awkward now for some reason. I met plenty of women I could and did live with but never the one I could not live without. The adventure continues...

sokaifanboy @sokaifanboy
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What's your fantasy and what's your reality?
sokaifanboy @sokaifanboy
Fantasy: To be a professional photographer and voice actor. Having my own place to live with my GF. To spend time with my GF to different anime or other types of conventions and travel to different cities, states, or countries. and settle down in a house right next to a beach or a cabin in the woods filled with snow so that all be able to get comfortable with my love one. thats pretty much it. lol
Reality: I'm struggling with finding a job. Where i live theres hardly any tempting agencies (prefer factory or warehouse jobs) and even if i get a job it won't be enough to get my own place unless i get a roommate but even that is hard for me to find one thats trustworthy and at the moment i'm living with my grandfather who is so difficult to live with and hinders my time to get my life together always needing my help though i do love my gramps so i have no choice. and I'm in a debt with students loans i owe so its not possible for me to save money to get my own place if i have to pay for that debt.

LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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What's your fantasy and what's your reality?
LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
This account has been suspended.

Lily O'Malley @lilyomalley
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What's your fantasy and what's your reality?
Lily O'Malley @lilyomalley
Obvious answer is obvious: I wish I was really a pand-er... I am a panda!
What am I thinking? Reality is silly.

Key @key17
commented on
What's your fantasy and what's your reality?
Key @key17
Fantasy: Have a simple life where I can work as a game dev and go to anime conventions with friends every now and then.
Reality: I'm lazy most of the time, but I'm steadily making progress towards making this fantasy of mine a reality.
Actually, I feel encouraged by the fact that it's become a definite possibility rather than just a mere fantasy.

Ryuuchi @ryuuchi
commented on
What's your fantasy and what's your reality?
Ryuuchi @ryuuchi
Fantasy: ...I don't wanna cause I want to make it a reality. ): it's possible! Your dreams are possible!!!! T^T
Reality: 40 yr old obese ugly nerd virgin living in parents basement! D: no just kidding but I'm living at home , no job, no school, no friends no nothing, no life. I'm trying to get back into school and make friends and get a job and make my dreams come true. :3
I WON'T GIVE UP! I'm scared but I wont!!!! (TT^TT)o
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