Obsessive Collecting

Aka-san @redhawk
Obsessive Collecting
Aka-san @redhawk
are there things that you collect obsessively? And do you take it to the next level where it has to be in almost perfect or perfect condition?

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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Obsessive Collecting
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
I'm starting a vintage film camera collection. But I don't mind casual wear since it's vintage equipment. My oldest is a Rolleiflex TLR medium format camera from the early 50s. My others are SLR 35mm cameras from the late 60s to late 70s.

Zeroboros00 @zeroboros00
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Obsessive Collecting
Zeroboros00 @zeroboros00
I have more guitars than I realistically know how to play

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
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Obsessive Collecting
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
I have "HOTWHEELS" and "SIMPSONS STUFF" both stop collecting.

neeto @neet_one
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Obsessive Collecting
neeto @neet_one
I've got like 90+ figma in my collection, so there's that I guess. and yeah being in good condition is a really big deal to me with them but I take care of my figs so that's not usually an issue.
Big fan of lego too but haven't really kept up with em for a while now. When it comes to those the condition really isn't a big deal to me at all.

ryguy @ryguy
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Obsessive Collecting
ryguy @ryguy
In high school while working as a cashier I became interested in old and foreign money. I have a decent collection of rare coins and such thanks to my boredom back then.

neeto @neet_one
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Obsessive Collecting
neeto @neet_one
Not sure if it really counts but I started collecting psps for a while and had like 7 of them at one point.
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