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online serious relationships

I move a lot because of my parent's job and I barely have time to make friend,I've only had a few romantic relationships and just one that I consider serious,so every time I have to break up with someone it's because i'm moving,so I was wondering has anybody has a long distance relationship that you consider successful or met someone online and had a serious relationship,btw I now i'm still young but the moving part of my life is going to continue until I finish college
They are very difficult, and they need a lot of trust, and I mean alot. But they can work out, I you do it with the right person.
Like leo_ss said it's possible but hard. The real problem is most people really don't like being in long distance relationships for very long since they wanna be able to hold people and stuff sometimes. That often leads to them cheating, since it's so easy to get away with too. Lots of people wont even talk to someone here if they don't live in the same state. You've also gotta take long term stuff into account, since one or both people will eventually have to move closer to the other. Trips to see each other will only work for so long.
I'd like to say I had a fairly successful long distance relationship before. It last 3 years long distance and about one in person. I'm in the military so long distance was pretty much a given. But today with the internet I think its much easier than before. Now I'm single again but that's because we felt more like I felt we changed and had different interests. I mean I love Anime and stuff but she really never liked the idea of it even though we were together. I felt like I wanted to meet someone who felt the same. One super good idea is REAL SKYPE DATES and what I mean by that is make a setting romantic on your end like flowers, candles, Music, Etc.. It show a girl you care and are trying despite the distance. The second would be sending her flowers from time to time with a heart felt message its only around 20$ and when she gets them, Well what girl doesn't feel loved when you get them flowers. I know it might be a bit cliché but trust me girls love romantic gestures and it doesn't make you any less of a man by doing so. So the best of luck, And I Promise you if you do little things like this you will have a much greater chance of success than before, but don't worry to much about it we're still young so you have plenty of time to find the right girl for you. :)
Maaaan, my last relationship was long distance. But it was also my longest one. I thought we were perfect for each other. Never once had an argument. And I even met up with her in person and it was amazing. But she said the distance got too much to handle. Then left me and got a new boyfriend closer the same minute. But it's kinda hard to believe that it was just distance. I knew she was talking to the guy as a friend. But like 2 months after we broke up I found out that he made a move on her while we were dating and she didnt stop him. So yeah... That happened.
..well. If you're so good at picking up woman and then blaming it on the move then just stop dating or don't complain since you know your gonna give up anyway.
My parents were military so I can relate moving around growing up. Making and losing friends constantly is hard, it also makes it difficult to form bonds because of the thought you will have to break them eventually. People will enter and leave your life endlessly; some stick around longer than other some never leave. LD relationships are probably one of the most difficult to manage, but if you succeed your bonds will likely be deep and lasting. If you thinks it's worth it, and they want to give it an honest try go for it because love lost is better than love not found.
You're still a kid. Until you have the means to travel on your own, a LDR is 100% illogical for you. All it will do is hurt you more, due the loneliness of (quite literally) never seeing them. Be a kid. Date local until you're able to afford (and maintain) a LDR, then go from there.
Online relationships are fine and all, but if they are gonna be serious (or at all), you need to have a plan to eventually end up living close by with the person in the end. To answer your question, I am currently in a long distance relationship and it works because we are able to travel to each other (which ends up being across the US). I actually met him here on maiotaku. However, we can't keep taking trip 2 or 3 times a year to each other (gets very expensive) so he is planning on moving here this year.
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