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You Dissapeared to With Him To Have Sex Of Course

Yeah. My last long term relationship did that. Pulled the plug pretty quickly after finding out %100 percent.
Yep, my first relationship, I wanted to wait til we got older, she didn't. Forgave her, til it happened again.
my first serious relationship. we had been dating almost 3 years, found out my Gf was pregnant and well It wasn't mine.
I got involved with a girl once that was seeing like five other dudes at the same time.
Happened with a 3yr ex fiance.
im sorry to hear that :( im 24 but i don't realy have any experience but maybe if i wait until i find the right one
It's awful to hear this sorta stuff has happened to you all :/ it's never happened to me fortunately and frankly, cheating is something I'll personally never understand
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