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You Dissapeared to With Him To Have Sex Of Course

She cheated, found out, dumped her, got over her in a month.
^ sorry to hear, i would probably do the same, dont know how long it would take but i dont like to think like that.gotta just trust them until they prove otherwise
A month?? Jeez, that's fast...
Relationship too short to experience it. One thing I didn't have to go through I guess :)
I was in two relationships where this happened. In my own experience and what I have seen friends go though it's usually best to end things when this happens. Unless you are in an open casual relationship up front there is a problem if someone goes elsewhere for intimacy. Rarely can this be 'fixed'.
A month, I had good friends who distracted me, I also didnt stop to think about her (Which is where everyone makes the mistake of thinking of all the good times you had together and what could have been). I hung out with my friends out of the house, with my brother in the house, talked to other girls, exercised like hell and after about of month I was done. There was the little ache there but that went away soon after. Her face is blurry now when I try and think ;D
Getting over the attachment to someone is important but you have to reflect on the time you spend with them too. Depends on how serious it was of course. Always important to decompress first, do not reflect while colored with fresh emotion. Relationships bring lessons and tests that are important to learn from, may they make your next relationship fruitful.
You are right asch that sounds exactly like you xD
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