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Serious amount of prudish people here...

I agree, but I don't see why others feel the need to judge people who like anime. Names such as otaku, geek, nerd and so on. Anime is so diverse that I am sure that almost anyone can find a series they like. The plot and values some of them teach are superior to the garbage of many modern U.S programs.
What does that have to do with the topic?
Can't be helped hunter900, lots of people out there are just intolerant and closed minded. Jikoshy, Absolutely nothing lol.
People just make assumptions without investigating it. Plus the anime series that get shown in the US aren't really the best examples; DBZ, Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Inuyasha, etc. Just based on those, I wouldn't be much of a fan. I prefer the more mature themed series. Even Dragonball Z has been edited for American tv. Let's see them show Higurashi and Mirai Nikki.
It's np, you guys can keep bumping it for me ;)
Higurashi and Mirai Nikki, mature themed? haha oh vamp you card.
I think a lot of people are disinclined to watching because they see animation as only cartoons and cartoons are for children. Jikoshy, sorry for talking outside the topic, lol.
Don't worry bout it, like I said, you're bumping the thread for me.
yeah that's pretty much how it is hunter900, in this part of the world at least. the only animation that gets made with adults in mind here tends to be very crude and crass comedies not meant to be taken too seriously.
Comparatively speaking they are, as in not for little kids. Of course I could pull out KissXsis OVA which is as close to hentai as you can get without being such.
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