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Serious amount of prudish people here...

Just as it says. I love the fact how people can act so perverted, yet so scared of anything sexual. I dont know, it seems so backwards to me.
That would be called contradiction my good man, People do it all the time everyday, A lot of times multiple times a day depending on the person. I personally am not perverted, and I'm not 'afraid' of anything sexual, I am gentlemen so it is in my code to not be anything to do with perversion. Though their seems to be quite a few less prude people then not if you ask me, So I don't know what your confused about.
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Being open about sexual thoughts is the opposite of prudish. I understand what you mean, jikoshy. I've seen a few here who'll almost condemn sexualy active people , but in the same breath talk about or comment in a perverse manner on other threads. Those are called "white knights". They want to feel good about their so called "choice" and seem like some sort of moral hero when really they are just like you or me. It's one thing to be a prude, but don't be a hypocrite.
Yeah I'm a prude and I wont deny it. I don't think I act very perverted at all though.
Prudish to what extent? To be prudish is to be excessively concerned with sexual propriety, which of course begs the question of what one considers "proper" (a wide variety of flavors considering what site you are in now)
People on here are prudes? Lol.
whelp, something I've noticed is that western anime committees tend to be packed full with excessively horny perverts. likewise I've heard many people go to cons just to have casual sex with random cosplayers. Some people I know can't seem to think about much else and constantly jerk it to everything.
sounds like guys with anime fetishes.
Hahahaaaaa, neet, you're definitely not perverted.
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