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How old or young do you go when looking for a relationship?

age not a real factor as long as they are not minors (legal) different every country then dont worry. Personal preference I think is 21 on up cause we can go out anywhere but i did date a girl who was 19 for awhile before i figured out her real age 19 told me different. but she was not a bad person? 21-40
I'm 18, so a person my age to about the age of 35, and that is as old as I go. Cuz if I date a guy that's 35, he's old enought to be my older brother.
I prefer women around my age, but i've dated women that were younger by 5 years or even ten years older than me. I think I prefer women that are mature.
Older women can be fun but very manipulative if they are chasing the younger guys sometimes. They know what they want and how to get it which can be interesting.
At the most within four years older OR younger of myself. It honestly depends on the person. Obviously I'm looking for someone closer to my age, though.
Maturity would be the biggest factor for me as opposed to ageism. I mean I have met 19 year olds who are more mature than 24 year olds. So I would rather date that 19 year old than the 24 year old who only cares about going out and having fun before heading to reality. So id say it depends but ideal age ... 5 years younger or older. Not young enough for me to be your father not old enough to be my mother (figuratively of course).
For me the whole generation gap thing is an issue. If I had to scale my preference range it would young/old enough to remember anime like inuyasha and chibi gundam on toonami, as well as owned a furby and tomodachi when it was cool and all the other kids in grade school had them... ah the days of my youth
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