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How old or young do you go when looking for a relationship?

16-23 but meh i mean it doesnt matter as long as they are around the same age
Ideally within a decade younger or no more than 5 years over barring special cases, but I am older than most here. It would be a very hard sell to me to date a woman 25-21 unless she was a real Neko. Girls do not work for someone like me, awakened women only.
she can't be atleast 5 years older or younger than me, its creepy to think that one of us was in the 5th grade and the other was still in kindergarten or something ya know ;-;
Meh... My current girlfriend wasn't even in school (maybe pre school) when I was in the 5th grade. Thing is, I'm 31 and she's 24. Not so creepy now.
I like to date people who are 5 years older than me, older than that is ok too. Like 10 or 15 years older. I'm 20 by the way.
It's probably because I have three older sisters, but pretty much any girl that's older than me gives off an 'older sister' feeling <_< The ideal range for me at the moment would be about 23-26. Lowest I'd go would be 20.
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Age isn't really that important as long as it's legal. 16 is as low as I can legally go, but I dunno what my cap would be. It depends on the person I guess.
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