PrinceOni @djordan1994
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PrinceOni @djordan1994
....I have no words for this topic lol
senshibenihime @senshibenihime
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senshibenihime @senshibenihime
I think women should be able to breastfeed in public, it's natural and nothing wrong with doing so. As for the age, that's not society's business, just the mothers and their choice of personal doctors.
Unworthy piece of shit @furfaggot
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Unworthy piece of shit @furfaggot
This account has been suspended.
ilia_senpai @ilia_senpai
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ilia_senpai @ilia_senpai
Yeah it's called Akiba and it's on clement street! We get a lot of cosplayers x3
neeto @neet_one
commented on
neeto @neet_one
btw, milk is really good for you. helps you grow nice and strong. I've had a glass just about every night of my life. great stuff.
Arc @arc
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Arc @arc
I firmly believe that any woman has the right to whip out their tits in public. Breastfeeding or not.
Renn @neeki
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Renn @neeki
FREE the bewbs! :3z
Nethlight @nethlight
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Nethlight @nethlight
I can see it now... A man will be driving along the street, catch a woman with no top on, and crash into a Telephone Pole.
Accident rates will go up, if woman don't keep there shirts on. lol
Manga_bird @manga_bird
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Manga_bird @manga_bird
Women who breast feed in public are generally discreet about it anyway.
xueli @xueli
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xueli @xueli
if I remember right, in the United states, there's laws that protect public breastfeeding in every state but 3, Idaho, Nebraska, and West Virginia i think
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