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nekoboy707 @nekoboy707
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nekoboy707 @nekoboy707
Honestly none of those. I enjoy a protein shake the most!:)

Nethlight @nethlight
Nethlight @nethlight
Guess this site is only for americans.

Nethlight @nethlight
Nethlight @nethlight
Alright peoples! AniRevo 2015 is just a few days away! I decided to show up at the con super early in the morning, to get an idea of how the event will be laid out! So for those of you who are still interested in meeting up at the con, please leave me a text at this number -> (250) 681-4995 <- between the hours of 8:00am and 10:00am on August 14th, 15th, and 16th, and I will get back to you as soon as I get a chance, with a time, and information on where we can meet up!
Enjoy the festivities! :D
AniRevo 2015 (Vancouver, Canada)

Nethlight @nethlight
commented on
AniRevo 2015 (Vancouver, Canada)
Nethlight @nethlight
Alright peoples! AniRevo 2015 is just a few days away! I decided to show up at the con super early in the morning, to get an idea of how the event will be laid out! So for those of you who are still interested in meeting up at the con, please leave me a text at this number -> (250) 681-4995 <- between the hours of 8:00am and 10:00am on August 14th, 15th, and 16th, and I will get back to you as soon as I get a chance, with a time, and information on where we can meet up!
Enjoy the festivities! :D
Who wants to meet up at AniRevo this year?! (Vancouver, Canada)

Nethlight @nethlight
Who wants to meet up at AniRevo this year?! (Vancouver, Canada)
Nethlight @nethlight
I'm holding a "MaiOtaku Meet Up" at the convention this year, and for those of you who are interested in joining us, please leave a post on this topic, or the AniRevo 2015 (Vancouver, Canada) topic!
If you have any questions, please... feel free to PM me or shoot me a text at (250) 681-4995!
Thanks! ^_^ <- Link to event details.
Guest. Aug 22-24
Guest. Aug 14-16
Aug 9-11