2015 Anime?

hiddenleafninja @hiddenleafninja
2015 Anime?
hiddenleafninja @hiddenleafninja
List all the 2015 Anime you been anticipating, or has not been released yet.

BrendanCasey @brendancasey
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2015 Anime?
BrendanCasey @brendancasey
For Winter anime, I'm looking forward to Assassination Classroom, Dog Days III, Kamisama Hajimemashita II, The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls, The Testament of New Sister Devil, Tokyo Ghoul √A, and Yuri Kuma Arashi. The ones I'm most excited for from that selection are probably Dog Days Double Dash (one of my favorite anime, really loved the first two seasons), Cinderella Girls, Yuri Kuma Arashi (though mainly because the author is the same person behind Mawaru Penguindrum), and Tokyo Ghoul √A.
For Spring 2015, the second half of Fate/stay night, High School DxD Born, and Rinne, though there's still probably a few shows that haven't been announced yet. Grisaia no Meikyuu/Grisaia no Rakuen is a maybe; I'd rather read the Visual Novel first, but might not have the patience to wait that long.
And for Summer 2015, third season of Working and the second half of Prisma Illya Zwei.

Bleh @ryuunope
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2015 Anime?
Bleh @ryuunope
Kantai Collection: KanColle :D!

pann_am @panza
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2015 Anime?
pann_am @panza
For winter 2015 I'm excited for:
DRRR S2 (finally), Kuroko no Basuke S3, The Rolling Girls, Death Parade, and maybe Ansatsu Kyoushitsu.

kakineteitoku @kakineteitoku
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2015 Anime?
kakineteitoku @kakineteitoku
A lot of Attack On Titan fans were hoping for season 2 in 2015, however it seems from what I've read they'll be waiting till 2016. THATS GOTTA SUCK!

Grandom @grandom
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2015 Anime?
Grandom @grandom
Waited a year for nothing than.

Arc @arc
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2015 Anime?
Arc @arc
Better to have a really good season 2 for Attack on Titan than rushing it and watching the animation quality turn to crap. It sucks, but it's for a good reason.

kakineteitoku @kakineteitoku
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2015 Anime?
kakineteitoku @kakineteitoku
Now "I" don't know this as fact, unless you looked it up at an official source site, I could be mistaken.

Arc @arc
commented on
2015 Anime?
Arc @arc
I just found a brand new anime made by the same studio that did Deathnote. It's called "Death Billiards" (title similarity lol)
Check it out:

kakineteitoku @kakineteitoku
commented on
2015 Anime?
kakineteitoku @kakineteitoku
I would love to see a Haganai season 3.
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