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Ssdiz2le @ssdiz2le
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Ssdiz2le @ssdiz2le
Hi there! How are youu<?

ThereisnoLion @thereisnolion
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ThereisnoLion @thereisnolion
I heard they weren't planning to dub it. :\

veggierad @veggierad
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veggierad @veggierad
Hey. You seem really cool. Wanna chat?
Coffee or hot chocolate???

pann_am @panza
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Coffee or hot chocolate???
pann_am @panza
Hot Chocooooooooo~
2015 Anime?

pann_am @panza
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2015 Anime?
pann_am @panza
For winter 2015 I'm excited for:
DRRR S2 (finally), Kuroko no Basuke S3, The Rolling Girls, Death Parade, and maybe Ansatsu Kyoushitsu.