
gone @normandy
gone @normandy
I am a guy who is very... vertically challenged. >_< I'm only 5'2". So I am interested in what people have to say about the importance of height. How important is it to you? Would you date someone who was a lot taller/shorter than you? Where would you set your limits?

Key @keyrunners
commented on
Key @keyrunners
i personally find shorter girls more attractive (and i mean shorter in general, because shorter than my height isn't that hard)
although having someone my height would be nice for cosplay reasons as well as many other odd reasons i can't quite put into words, i like shorter girls because i can hold them, and essentially be a giant teddy bear for them.

Kronos @kronos
commented on
Kronos @kronos
Me, personally, I have no issue with height. Short girls, tall girls, average height... it's all good with me. Whether girls agree with this... that's another story. I'm 5'8", by the way.

Zen94 @zen94
commented on
Zen94 @zen94
Hight doesn't matter all that much but dating someone 1 foot + taller than myself would seem like fun im 5'8"

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
commented on
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
Polls show height matters a lot to girls. Most want someone over 6 feet. That's a problem. Only 25% of the male population is 6' or over. I am only 5'10". We are SOL I guess.

cpbong @cpbong
commented on
cpbong @cpbong
Most girls want guys at least 3-4 inches taller than them (aka so they are not taller than the guy even with heels on)

Key @keyrunners
commented on
Key @keyrunners
< is 6'4"
< is cuddly
< has alot of friends that are girls
< try best to make people happy
< still single
maybe i'm just too much for people.... *sigh*

MissAnthropic @missanthropic
commented on
MissAnthropic @missanthropic
i am 5'. "judge me by my size, do you?" ;)

Rini @honda
commented on
Rini @honda
It's been a while since I checked how tall I was, but last time I checked I was 5'4 (or fluctuated between 5'2 and 5'4).
I like taller guys as a personal preference This is going to sound silly, but it makes me feel safe..r. XD but I wouldn't say how tall a person is, is super important?
I think it really depends on the person. If you love them size shouldn't matter! :P

Cecil Palmer @xxsilverstriderxx
commented on
Cecil Palmer @xxsilverstriderxx
im like 4'11 and people treat me like a child who needs to every thing sugercoated....i dont really care for other peoples height as long as they dont make fun of minez
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