
xxFluffykins @xxfluffykins
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xxFluffykins @xxfluffykins
I'm 5'1/5'2. I prefer they are around my height or taller. My ex was shorter than me but then we grew up xD

majesticflame @majesticflame
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majesticflame @majesticflame
i prefer people taller i don't know why but i just do not that i mind love is love right

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
xXShockinPika, I'm with you. I really sucks not to be taken seriously because of your height. It's something that should not define you as a person but so many people do that anyway. Grrrrrrrrr!

Sobi @sobi
commented on
Sobi @sobi
MY friends always give me crap for being the short one and I'm 5'6" which is pretty average.
@Ridingcatbus, I'd be curious to read this study you were talking about. Personally I could care less about how tall a guys is. Most girls I know it's more important that the intelligence isn't completely lacking, which I have yet to see on this site luckily. lol

Karozoa @karozoa
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Karozoa @karozoa
I don't care about other peoples height(Male or female). But I hate my height, I'm 6"2 which bothers me so so so so so much. I wish I was 5"4.

Moriko_Lili @moriko_lili
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Moriko_Lili @moriko_lili
I'm like 6'2" so while I'd like to be picky and demand that I find a guy taller than me, I know that's not likely to happen.
<br>But it would be nice. ;3;

CaiserZero @caiserzero
commented on
CaiserZero @caiserzero
lets not sugar coat it, its tough being a shorter guy cause generally women want taller men.
which sux for us shorter guys. there are cases of shorter men dating taller women but honestly i always thought it looked kinda awkward...
@Karozoa: what i wouldnt give to be 6'2" XD i'd totally trade off with you if i could...
@Moriko_lili: there totally are tall male otakus out there but... taller or as tall as 6'2" is gonna be a bit rough.
The inverse relationship of gender height is interesting. Where shorter women can have their pick of men from various heights, such is the opposite with men.

Mizuki17 @mizuki17
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Mizuki17 @mizuki17
I'm 5'2 or 5'3 (doctor keeps telling me different lol) but i do like guys taller than me but not as tall as 6' that makes me feel like an ant for some reason, if i like him and he happens to be 6' i can deal. But i also like guys that are short but i would really have to like him to date him cause i'm already short so it would be weird.

Kiwi_Foxxit @kiwi_foxxit
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Kiwi_Foxxit @kiwi_foxxit
Well. /-\ I'm kind of an amazon at 5'7. However as far as prefrence goes? I don't care either way. I don't have a prefrence anymore, I guess. XD; If I love you, I love you.

Key @keyrunners
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Key @keyrunners
^ at the end of the day, trufax
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