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drewthekid @drewthekid
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drewthekid @drewthekid
Im great :D!

drewthekid @drewthekid
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drewthekid @drewthekid
Ir good i just woke up :3

drewthekid @drewthekid
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drewthekid @drewthekid
Hello nyan~
Otakus in Virginia (VA)

Mizuki17 @mizuki17
Otakus in Virginia (VA)
Mizuki17 @mizuki17
Are there any of you out there? :D I attend Nekocon and hopefully AnimeUSA next year ^^
Ugh Ugh Ugh

Mizuki17 @mizuki17
commented on
Ugh Ugh Ugh
Mizuki17 @mizuki17
Sounds like the same situation i had. I tried to be friends with my x after being broken up for about 6months, he kept telling me how much he missed me and stuff but i just couldn't believe him so i told him to stop talking to me. He got mad saying it's not what he wanted but i couldn't do it, i had to move on and find someone better, someone who wouldn't break up with me over a stupid reason like 'i was tired of the long relationship'. If you believe you'll find someone that's better, being friends with him will become easier and you'll realize you're over him. ^^ I hope this helped a little, similar situation and all :)