Ugh Ugh Ugh

KawaiiSweetie @kawaiisweetie
Ugh Ugh Ugh
KawaiiSweetie @kawaiisweetie
Lol I know I'm on this site to meet new ppl, but what if I can't rid get of the old? You see a month ago my bf broke up with me out of the blue for really no reason. He told me that 9 months was too long for him and that we had nothing in common. Okay so y go out with me in the first place if you know we had nothing in common? But I feel as if the 9 month thing was a big joke. And I will admit, I think i drove him crazy to the point to break up with me because I was annoying to him (hence thats the real reason y he broke up with me) I mean kinda for a while i felt okay, but I still do miss him alot...I know I should "give up and move on", but I kinda really DONT wanna do that. After the break up there would be times he would talk to me out of the blue and him being nicer towards me. But when I ask ppl if this is him being interested they usually say, "No it really isnt." I guess I do want him back, but im afraid to admit my feelings cuz of the rejection...

gone @socrates
commented on
Ugh Ugh Ugh
gone @socrates
Well, for starters, if he'd break up with you because you were both going out for nine months, then that proves he's either immature when it comes to commitment or doesn't want a "serious" relationship at all. Or both, even. If that be the case, don't waste your good time on someone who doesn't want it.<br>
And if he broke up with you because you annoyed him (that's probably not true, just something you concluded in search for a reason to the out-of-the-blue break up), then there is hope of it working out, yes, but it sounds like he doesn't want it. Just because he comes back to talk to you doesn't wholly hint towards him wanting to strike up things again, y'know? He could just want to keep it as a friendship. That sounds like it'd pain you however, in my opinion.<br>
I'm sure you've heard it from everyone and their mother, but you DO have to move on - not so much give up, just collect yourself and take it from there. :) You've only been out of the relationship for a month; trust me, it'll take a lot longer than that to recover, especially if you two were heavily involved.<br>
You'll be just fine, with or without him either way. c: Just do what you think would be best for you right now.

CaiserZero @caiserzero
commented on
Ugh Ugh Ugh
CaiserZero @caiserzero
I agree with what Socrates said. How hes talking to you again out of the blue like that could mean something but then again it could mean nothing. Even though you guys broke up doesnt mean he doesnt want to be just friends or even have a cordial conversation.
Regardless of what the real reason for your break up is, the fact of the matter is, he doesnt seem to want to be in a relationship. if you dont really wanna move on, and you BOTH still have feelings for each other, then perhaps you should talk to him and hammer out your problems on what went wrong the first time. no guarantee it will work so thats up to you.
but honestly, i think its a bit of a lost cause... as the old saying goes.. "Its better to have love, lost, than to have never loved at all.."
there are plenty of fish in the sea and it certainly helps if you have things in common and similar personalities. GL

KawaiiSweetie @kawaiisweetie
commented on
Ugh Ugh Ugh
KawaiiSweetie @kawaiisweetie
thanks guys :), well heres an update: I did actually told him how i felt and he said that he misses me terribly but wasn't so sure if he wanted to be friends or in a relationship. Cuz that night I did decide that I wanted to move on and I knew that by being his friend it was going to make it harder for me so I told him to stop talking to me permantly bc i still had feelings for him and that by being his "friend" it wasnt helping me. Thats when he refused to do that and told me how much he misses me. I then told him to not talk to me until he knew what he really wanted. I hope i did the right thing.... :S

CaiserZero @caiserzero
commented on
Ugh Ugh Ugh
CaiserZero @caiserzero
ultimatums... always the right choice ;D

KawaiiSweetie @kawaiisweetie
commented on
Ugh Ugh Ugh
KawaiiSweetie @kawaiisweetie
Lol well.....he talked to me again. But it wasn't about wat he wanted....

KawaiiSweetie @kawaiisweetie
commented on
Ugh Ugh Ugh
KawaiiSweetie @kawaiisweetie
Lol well.....he talked to me again. But it wasn't about wat he wanted....

KawaiiSweetie @kawaiisweetie
commented on
Ugh Ugh Ugh
KawaiiSweetie @kawaiisweetie
Lol well.....he talked to me again. But it wasn't about wat he wanted....

CaiserZero @caiserzero
commented on
Ugh Ugh Ugh
CaiserZero @caiserzero
lol oh? it usually never is ;p
gambatte (^_^)/

2ndsight @a2ndsight
commented on
Ugh Ugh Ugh
2ndsight @a2ndsight
To me it sounds like he is just not ready and there is something that he is not telling you.i understand that after investing so much precious time its hard for you to just walk away but you deserve to be happy and he obviously does not care if you are happy or not.
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