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Hunney @hunney
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Hunney @hunney
Well look who I came across. owo heyyyyyy there, soul sister.>>

Delete me @caidryn
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Delete me @caidryn
Another Studio Ghibli fan. :3 Spirited away may well have been part of what made me the otaku I am today. Best of luck making friends. ^^

Kuroi @kris_kun
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Kuroi @kris_kun
hey thanks for the friend request :D dont be a stranger
Your First....Anime, of course!

Rini @honda
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Your First....Anime, of course!
Rini @honda
I believe mine was Ranma 1/2 XD
this is a thread about penguins

Rini @honda
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this is a thread about penguins
Rini @honda
Tuxedo people! Love 'em.