Your First....Anime, of course!

Amasun @amasun
Your First....Anime, of course!
Amasun @amasun
So I looked but didn't seem to find this topic and if there is one, sorry! >.< I know we're all otaku but what anime, or manga, really got you started!
My first was Iria: Zeiram the animation. Gun fights, bounty hunters and space, nothing could be better! I thank Scifi Channel for their Saturday morning anime. So needless to say that I grew up with 'old school' anime, and really looking back I didn't start watching anything fluffy for a while!
Demon City Shinjuku
Project A-ko
and of course Galaxy Express 999

Seto @seto
commented on
Your First....Anime, of course!
Seto @seto
Dragonball Z! I think I started reading Ranma 1/2 soon after that, but it's been awhile...

kayochan @kayochan
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Your First....Anime, of course!
kayochan @kayochan
InuYasha, started watching it somewhere between 1st and 3rd grade. Before I was obsessed with pokemon.

peace_2004_0 @peace_2004_0
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Your First....Anime, of course!
peace_2004_0 @peace_2004_0
Saiyuki... I liked the mix of humor and serious fight scenes.

LiyanaSilverleaf @liyanasilverleaf
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Your First....Anime, of course!
LiyanaSilverleaf @liyanasilverleaf
There was a bunch I suddenly began watching all at once. Sailor Moon, Rurouni Kenshin, Gundam Wing, Card Captor Sakura, Outlaw Star, and Yu Yu Hakusho.

RoninSydd @roninsydd
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Your First....Anime, of course!
RoninSydd @roninsydd
Robotech! I remember watching that on the old school toonami along with Sailor moon and DBZ of course!

ScarecrowK @scarecrowk
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Your First....Anime, of course!
ScarecrowK @scarecrowk
Gundam Wing...

anarqe @anarqe
commented on
Your First....Anime, of course!
anarqe @anarqe
Sailor Moon and Monster Rancher. I would wake up at 5 just to watch them.

ren @ren
commented on
Your First....Anime, of course!
ren @ren old yet so awesome.

Sagira @sagira
commented on
Your First....Anime, of course!
Sagira @sagira
Sailormoon and Voltron! XD Good old times back in the day.
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