Your First....Anime, of course!

LeonXD @leonxd
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Your First....Anime, of course!
LeonXD @leonxd
Oddly, Sakura Card Captor. I was like 5-6 y.o. sick in bed so my parents rented some "cartoon" for me to watch at home. Not really picky as a kid so I actually liked it :).

jerjerjr @jerjerjr
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Your First....Anime, of course!
jerjerjr @jerjerjr
lol Yu Gi Oh

N/A @thecordcutter
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Your First....Anime, of course!
N/A @thecordcutter
I think it was Galaxy Express 333 or Fist of the North Star, before I even realized the differences between American and Japanese cartoons. Besides maybe the violence <3

Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
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Your First....Anime, of course!
Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
DBZ back when I was a little guy. :D

mieshii23 @mieshii23
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Your First....Anime, of course!
mieshii23 @mieshii23
Speed Racer and Card Captor Sakura. I didn't even know Speed Racer was an anime for a long time there and looking back now me and my brother laugh at how they mispronounced Sakura's name. Such good times... I miss 'em.

saoasunalover @saoasunalover
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Your First....Anime, of course!
saoasunalover @saoasunalover
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