Strangest Habits

pann_am @panza
Strangest Habits
pann_am @panza
Are there any weird/funny habits anyone has that they'd like to share? :3
Some of mine are:
1. I really don't like walking anywhere barefoot or only with socks on, even in my house. I always have to have slippers or flip flops on or I get kind of grossed out lol.
2. If I see a cat, I'm gonna take a picture. The college I went to had a lot of strays so it kinda just became a habit lol. I've even been late to class trying to get a picture -__-.
3. I break out into random dance with no music all the time and no, sadly not any sexy dances. I dance like a fool lol.
4. I break out into random song too. I'll start out speaking normally and then out of no where I'll just sing the rest of what I'm saying ^_^;;.
5. I think my strangest habit right now is that if someone calls me I'll answer them saying meow lol...I don't know why I do that, in fact I should probably stop XD.
I do most of these at home or with close friends though, they're not phased by my weirdness anymore XD.

Jesse 神猫 @jesus5091
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Strangest Habits
Jesse 神猫 @jesus5091
Hmmmm since I was little ive found myself making strange games and challenges for myself in random events like "take no more than two steps per sidewalk square" I occasionally speak in the 3rd person for fun. Sometimes I get really lost in thought and zone out... ^_^

Arc @arc
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Strangest Habits
Arc @arc
I used to eat a can of tuna fish and drink a glass of milk every night as I watch an episode of anime. I would not watch an episode of anime if I was out of tuna fish.

jas @jas
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Strangest Habits
jas @jas
I can wear sandals even in the middle of a freezing Michigan winter.. outside!
Hey, it's just that comfortable!

(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
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Strangest Habits
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
I narrate my life in third person. Fun but annoying at times

Xylvr @sneaky_rai
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Strangest Habits
Xylvr @sneaky_rai
This account has been suspended.

pann_am @panza
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Strangest Habits
pann_am @panza
Wow I feel pretty strange now compared to everyone else ^__^;;

neet-one @neetone
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Strangest Habits
neet-one @neetone
I talk to myself when I'm alone. Not like full on conversations, more like narrating for an educational video or something.
If my facial hair grows too long I get the urge to start pulling it out. So obviously I keep it shaved.
can't think of anything else at the moment.

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
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Strangest Habits
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
I can't go to restaurants to eat alone, same with movies and drinking. I must always take a buddy. If I eat alone it must be takeout.

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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Strangest Habits
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
I always have one of my fillies ride shotgun whenever I'm on a road trip. IE, anywhere more than thirty minutes away. We'll also get out at the scenic rest stops and take selfies.
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