Insomnia anyone??

Teapot_Panda @teapot_panda
Insomnia anyone??
Teapot_Panda @teapot_panda
I'm in college right that probably doesn't help..but I also have clinical insomnia and find some nights where I just don't sleep well or at all...Anyone else have that issue??
I find warm baths or warm glasses of milk help, but things like meds to help sleep just make me too tired to wake up on time the next day @_@...

MissAnthropic @missanthropic
commented on
Insomnia anyone??
MissAnthropic @missanthropic
valerian root works pretty well... i think sleepytime tea makes a special version w/ that in it..

Sobi @sobi
commented on
Insomnia anyone??
Sobi @sobi
Valerian root works wonders, I take the extract of it. I have massive insomnia from my anxiety disorder, and I have found that that is the only thing that works. Just never take it with Valium because it's basically the herbal equivalent of it.

Teapot_Panda @teapot_panda
commented on
Insomnia anyone??
Teapot_Panda @teapot_panda
thanks for the tip, I use a valerian root lotion at home when i'm getting ready to sleep, it seemed to help.. but I'll have to see...Thanks guys...
Also when you can't sleep, how do you occupy yourself??
I'm a seamstress/fashion designer so I sew and work on cosplays to try and be productive..

MissAnthropic @missanthropic
commented on
Insomnia anyone??
MissAnthropic @missanthropic
since i'm too sick for school i actually use MIT's open courseware to feel productive, but usually if i'm not sleeping it's due to anxiety so i force myself to do chill, unproductive things, like reading manga or watching anime (shocking, i kno! ;)

Razgriz @razgriz
commented on
Insomnia anyone??
Razgriz @razgriz
i know how you feel sometimes. i had cases of Sleep paralysis and sleep walking. Usually its because of Work and School but i don't want to dream about work when i sleep or sleep walk thinking im at work.

Nikolai_Pribac @nikola_pribac
commented on
Insomnia anyone??
Nikolai_Pribac @nikola_pribac
I have a bad time with insomnia, some nights out of the week I can do nothing but lay there all night. Happens even more when I have something stressful going on

Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
commented on
Insomnia anyone??
Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
If I can't sleep, I just do pushups and situps, or use Valerian Root, like MissAnthropic mentioned.

MissAnthropic @missanthropic
commented on
Insomnia anyone??
MissAnthropic @missanthropic
almost 3 am here... =/

ducksfortea @ducksfortea
commented on
Insomnia anyone??
ducksfortea @ducksfortea
I find it very hard to sleep due suffering from severe depression, my head's running all the time. So Lately I've been getting between two and five hours sleep A WEEK. The only kinda pill that works on me is this anti-psychotic tranq, and I'm not allowed that too often due to the fact that it's highly addictive.
I tend to put on some indian sitar raga music or something and try to meditate, but that doesn't always work.
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