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Kiyomi x Metalcore. @vishia
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Kiyomi x Metalcore. @vishia

staryun69 @staryun69
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staryun69 @staryun69
this will be my first anime con!
I haven't went to any but I do cosplay and wear lolitha :)
I will have to say joe's costume from burst angel.... its amazing! I like it ^_^ but mainly I also like females costume from trinity blood ^_^

staryun69 @staryun69
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staryun69 @staryun69
oh wow was it really? and interesting ^_^ I hope so too... working out and toning up just to make sure I look like her somewhat... so how many anime cons have you went too?
Who loves Fooly Cooly?

Razgriz @razgriz
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Who loves Fooly Cooly?
Razgriz @razgriz
FLCL is awesome and funny
Are Otaku girls cute or innocent?

Razgriz @razgriz
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Are Otaku girls cute or innocent?
Razgriz @razgriz
I would say some are cute and innocent and then there others who are just violent. One of my friend is cute but she if a fierce girl with the martial skills to back it up. Even when we were Sparring she put me in a headlock and that was no joke
Mar 20-21
Sep 17-19
Mar 12-13
Sep 30-Oct 2