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gone @btighe
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gone @btighe
hey, ;v
Have you seen Grizzly Man yet? Frigging impeccable
storytelling. Really big bears in it too, it's surprising that
someone could get that close and survive.
Catch the hip concert last night by any chance?

slapthefatcat @slapthefatcat
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slapthefatcat @slapthefatcat
Yeah. I had to stop going to cons altogether for about 3 years until about a month ago due to university. Just too busy and not enough disposable income, even when I barely buy anything other than food and necessities. I can imagine the workload of your business, I get hectic with just four projects to work on and I'm sure you have more and they are more complicated.

slapthefatcat @slapthefatcat
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slapthefatcat @slapthefatcat
I feel your pain of getting hassled to "help" (more like make) with sewing/cosplay stuff. Even though I am a guy, I can sew the best of any of my friends. I am not a commissioner, but I have made and altered cosplays for friends.
Whats your current cosplay?

Teapot_Panda @teapot_panda
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Whats your current cosplay?
Teapot_Panda @teapot_panda
Current cosplays
Princess Bubblegum- Adventure Time
Luka Megurine- Vocaloid
Neo Queen Serenity- Sailor Moon- Manga Version
New to Cosplay! Please Help!

Teapot_Panda @teapot_panda
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New to Cosplay! Please Help!
Teapot_Panda @teapot_panda
Furi Kuri you have the aspect of it being modified street clothes for a beginner in cosplay/ there are a lot of PROP details you can go for like Naota's air rifle out of home supplies like cardboard tubes or a water gun with clay modifications to it. Plus he has multiple other items such as the forehead bandage and things of that nature that might make him stand out, Especially if you did a Canti coming out of your forehead version or something of that nature where you had Canti's finger coming out of your forehead painted to look like it an all..that's what stands out attention to details!