New to Cosplay! Please Help!

AngryOtaku @angryotaku
New to Cosplay! Please Help!
AngryOtaku @angryotaku
I really want to get into cosplay. I don't know what to do though, since all the characters I like dress like NORMAL F*&@ING PEOPLE. It would be really hard to look like them without seeming like I'm just in regular clothes.
Sakura Kusakabe (Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan)
Naota Nandaba (Furi Kuri)
Kyosuke Kosaka (Ore no Imoto)
Kyon (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
Saito Hiraga (Zero no Tsukaima)
Minoru Shiraishi (Lucky Star)
and there are no other prominent male characters in any of the other anime I like.
BTW school uniforms are out of the question.

Key @keyrunners
commented on
New to Cosplay! Please Help!
Key @keyrunners
Mechazawa from Cromartie High School. at least then you'll also be wearing a robot costume in addition to your school uniform

cpbong @cpbong
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New to Cosplay! Please Help!
cpbong @cpbong
Saito carries around his sword at least
If you go as a group cosplay, it'll be more obvious who you are (since the female leads are far more recognizable...)

Zen94 @zen94
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New to Cosplay! Please Help!
Zen94 @zen94
Saito seems like it would stand out the most i guess. or you could also bring a small plushi of a female lead for the others

Teapot_Panda @teapot_panda
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New to Cosplay! Please Help!
Teapot_Panda @teapot_panda
Furi Kuri you have the aspect of it being modified street clothes for a beginner in cosplay/ there are a lot of PROP details you can go for like Naota's air rifle out of home supplies like cardboard tubes or a water gun with clay modifications to it. Plus he has multiple other items such as the forehead bandage and things of that nature that might make him stand out, Especially if you did a Canti coming out of your forehead version or something of that nature where you had Canti's finger coming out of your forehead painted to look like it an all..that's what stands out attention to details!

CaiserZero @caiserzero
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New to Cosplay! Please Help!
CaiserZero @caiserzero
It helps if you group cosplay if you cosplay someone who looks very normal

Sarah Ikumi @emokidikumi
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New to Cosplay! Please Help!
Sarah Ikumi @emokidikumi
Im Kind of new to cosplaying to...i dont know why but im kind of nervous
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